TM 55-1510-220-10(2.)Bleed air valve switches - ENVIRO OFF.(3.)Vent blower switch - AUTO.(4.)Aft vent blower switch - OFF.(5.)Cabin temperature mode selector switch - OFF.(6.)If smoke and fumes are not eliminated: Cabin pressure dump switch - CABIN PRESSDUMP.NOTEOpening storm window (afterdepressurizing) will facilitate smoke andfume removal.7.Engine oil pressure Monitor.9-21. FUEL SYSTEM.a.Fuel Pressure Warning Annunciator LightIlluminated. Illumination of the #1 FUEL PRESS or #2FUEL PRESS warning light usually indicates failure of therespective engine-driven boost pump. Perform thefollowing:(1.)Standby pump switch ON.(2.)Fuel pressure warning annunciator lightCheck extinguished.(3.)If fuel pressure warning light is stillilluminated: Record unboosted time.b.No Fuel Transfer Caution Light Illuminated.Illumination of a #1 NO FUEL XFR or #2 NO FUEL XFRannunciator light with fuel remaining in the respectiveauxiliary fuel tank indicates a failure of that automatic fueltransfer system. Proceed as follows:(1.)AUX TRANSFER switch (affected side) - OVERRIDE.(2.)Auxiliary fuel quantity - Monitor.(3.)AUX TRANSFER switch (after respective auxiliary fuel has completely transferred) - AUTO.c.Nacelle Fuel Leak. If nacelle fuel leaks areevident, perform the following:1.Perform engine shutdown.2.Fire pull handle - Pull.3.Land as soon as practicable.d.Fuel Crossfeed. Fuel crossfeed is normally usedonly during single-engine operation. The fuel from thedead engine side may be used to supply the live engineby routing the fuel through the crossfeed system. Duringextended flights, this method of fuel usage will provide amore balanced lateral load condition in the aircraft. Forfuel crossfeed, use the following procedure:(1.)AUX TRANSFER switches - AUTO.NOTEWith the FIRE PULL handle pulled, the fuelin the auxiliary tank for that side will not beavailable (usable) for crossfeed.(2.)Standby pumps - OFF.(3.)Crossfeed switch - As required.(4.)Fuel crossfeed advisory annunciator light - Check illuminated.NOTEWith the FIRE PULL handle pulled, therespective #1 FUEL PRESS or #2 FUELPRESS light will remain illuminated on theside supplying fuel.(5.)Fuel pressure light extinguished Check.(6.)Fuel quantity - Monitor.Change 3 9-11
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