TM 55-1510-220-102.Iffirepullhandlelightoutisextinguished:Advancepower.3.Iffirepullhandlelightisstillilluminated:Enginefireinflightprocedures(identified)Perform.NOTEFlight into the sun at high aircraft pitchattitude may actuate the fire warningsystem. Lowering the nose and/orchanging headings will confirm a warningsystem failure caused by sun rays.(3) Engine fire in flight (identified). If an engine fireis confirmed in flight, perform the following: i CAUTIONDue to the possibilities of fire warning systemmalfunctions, the fire should be visually identified beforethe engine is secured and the extinguisher actuated.1.Powerlever-IDLE.2.Propellerlever-FEATHER.3.Conditionlever-FUELCUTOFF.4.Firepullhandle-Pull.5.Fireextinguisher-Actuateasrequired.(6.)Engine cleanup - Perform.b.Fuselage Fire. If a fuselage fire occurs, performthe following:WARNINGThe extinguisher agent(Bromochlorodifluoromethane) in the fireextinguisher can produce toxic effects ifinhaled.1. Fight the fire.2. Land as soon as possible.c.Wing Fire. There is little that can be done tocontrol a wing fire except to shut off fuel and electricalsystems that may be contributing to thefire, or which could aggravate it. Diving and slipping theaircraft away from the burning wing may help. If a wingfire occurs, perform the following:1.Perform engine shutdown on affected side.2.Land as soon as possible.d.Electrical Fire.Upon noting the existence orindications of an electrical fire, turn off all affectedelectrical circuits, if known. If electrical fire source isunknown, perform the following:1.Crewoxygen-100%.(2.)Master switch - OFF (visual conditions only).3.All nonessential electrical equipment - OFF.NOTEWith loss of DC electrical power, theaircraft will depressurize. All electricalinstruments, with the exception of thepropeller RPM, N1RPM, and TGT gageswill be inoperative.(4.)Battery switch - ON.(5.)Generator switches (individually) - RESET, then ON.(6.)Circuit breakers - Check for indication of defective circuit.CAUTIONAs each electrical switch is returned to ON(note loadmeter reading) and check forevidence of fire.(7.)Essential electrical equipment - On (individually until fire source is isolated).8.Land as soon as practicable.e.Smoke and Fume Elimination. To eliminatesmoke and fumes from the aircraft, perform the following:1.Crewoxygen-100%andON.9-10
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