TM 55-1510-220-10(1.)Brake de-ice - OFF.(2.)TGT and torque - Monitor (note readings).(3.)Bleed air valve switch - PNEU & ENVIRO OFF.NOTEBrake de-ice on the affected side, andrudder boost, will not be available withbleed air valve switch in PNEU & ENVIROOFF.(4.)Cabin pressurization - Check.b.Excessive Differential Pressure. If cabindifferential pressure exceeds 6.1 PSI, perform thefollowing:(1.)Cabin altitude and rate-of-climb controller -Select higher setting.(2.)If condition persists: LEFT BLEED AIRVALVE switch - ENVIRO OFF (light illuminated).(3.)If condition still persists: RIGHT BLEED AIRVALVE switch - ENVIRO OFF (light illuminated).4.If condition still persists - Descendimmediately.(5.)If unable to descend: - CABIN PRESS DUMPswitch - CABIN PRESS DUMP.(6.)Bleed air valve switches - OPEN, if cabinheating is required.9-13. LOSS OF PRESSURIZATION (ABOVE 10,000 FEET).If cabin pressurization is lost when operating above10,000 feet or the ALT WARN warning annunciator lightilluminates, perform the following:1.Crewoxygenmasks100%andon.(2.)PassengeroxygenONandcheck.Thecopilotshouldconfirmthatallpassengershaveoxygenmasksonandarereceivingsupplementaloxygenifrequired.9-14. CABIN DOOR CAUTION LIGHT ILLUMINATED.Remain clear of cabin door and perform the following:(1.)Bleed air valve switches - ENVIRO OFF.2. Descend below 14,000 feet as soon as practicable.3.Oxygen - As required.9-15. SINGLE-ENGINE DESCENT/ARRIVAL.NOTEApproximately 85% N1is required tomaintain pressurization schedule. Performthe following procedure prior to the finaldescent for landing.(1.)Cabin controller - Set.(2.)Ice and rain switches - As required.3.Altimeters - Set.4.Recognition lights - ON.5.Arrival briefing - Complete.9-16. SINGLE-ENGINE BEFORE LANDING.1.Propeller lever - As required.NOTEDuring approach, propeller should be setat 1900 RPM to prevent glideslopeinterference (ILS approach), provide betterpower response during approach, and tominimize attitude change when advancingpropeller levers for landing.2.Flaps - APPROACH.3.Gear - DN.4.Landing lights - As required.(5.)Yaw damp - OFF.(6.)Brake deice - OFF.9-8
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