TM 10-8415-206-12&P
With the retention assembly removed from the SPH-4 flyer's helmet, use the following procedures to
accomplish the alterations:
Unfasten buckle from the nape strap.
Apply a chalk mark 2 inches on both sides of the center seam on the top and bottom binding.
Carefully remove stitching from the top and bottom binding, taking care not to cut or damage either
the binding or the fabric.
With the binding loose from the retention assembly, cut the lower binding Opposite end from top
binding seam). On the upper binding remove stitching up to the point of overlap. Peel back the binding,
exposing the outer edges of material.
Remove the edge stitching from the top and bottom of fabric 2 inches on each side of center seam,
turn each edge of material inside out after edge stitching has been removed.
Using FED-VT-295, type 1, class 1, subclass A, size E, olive drab nylon thread, seven to nine
stitches per inch; sew new seam on each layer of material 1/4 inch in from existing seam, cut fabric at old seam
and turn each layer right side out.
Change 1 4-86