TM 1-1510-225-CL E-13 BATTERY CHG ANNUNCIATOR ILLUMINATEDDURING GROUND OPERAT IONS 1. One generator – OFF. 2. Voltmeter – Indicating 28 volts. 3. Momentarily turn battery OFF – Note change in loadmeter indication. BATTERY CHG ANNUNCIATOR ILLUMINATEDIN FLIGHT 1. BATT – OFF.2. BATTERY CHGannunciator – Check. Ifextinguished, continue flight. If light remainsilluminated, land as soon as practicable. CURRENT LIMITER CHECK 1. If both DC GEN annunciators are illuminated –Individually press each volt/loadmeter switch andobserve voltage. If generator voltage is not seen on voltmeter, that current limiter has burned open.2. If one DC GEN annunciator is illuminated – Pressboth volt/loadmeter switches and observe voltage.If generator voltage is not seen on the affected side, one or more current limiters have burnedopen. If battery voltage is not seen on theaffected side, the current limiter for that side hasburned open. EMERGENCY DESCENT 1. POWERlevers–IDLE. 2. PROPlevers–HIGHRPM. 3. FLAPS–APPROACH. 4. GEAR–DN.
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