TM 1-1510-225-10
2. Press the left CRSR button to turn on the
left cursor function. The cursor will come
on over the first blank waypoint position.
3. Rotate the left outer knob one step
counterclockwise to position the cursor
over LOAD FPL 0. Refer to Figure 3D-41.
4. Press the ENT button to load the active
flight plan into this numbered flight plan.
Figure 3D-41. Storing 0 As a Numbered Flight Plan
g. Operating From the Active Flight Plan.
The following rules and considerations apply for flight
plan operation while the KLN 90B is in the LEG mode:
(1) Although any of the pages may be
utilized while operating along a flight plan, common
selections are the FPL 0 page on the left side while
Distance/Time pages or the NAV 5 page on the right
side. The Super NAV 5 page is especially useful for
flight plan operation. It provides a visual orientation of
the aircraft position in the active flight plan. The other
four NAV pages may also be used extensively.
(2) Always verify that the FPL 0 page is in
(3) The active leg of the flight plan is
designated with a symbol. Refer to Figure 3D-42.
A leg is defined as the course line between a pair of
points. The head of the arrow is positioned to the left
of and points to the active TO waypoint. The tail of the
symbol points to the FROM waypoint. The symbol is
not displayed unless the KLN 90B is receiving signals
suitable for navigation or if DIRECT TO navigation is
occurring. The top of the NAV 1 page will also indicate
if point to point navigation or DIRECT TO navigation is
occurring. To cancel the DIRECT TO operation and
operate from the active flight plan, press the
D button, the clear button, and the ENT button.
Figure 3D-42. Storing a Flight Plan
(4) As the flight plan waypoints are reached,
the active leg symbol automatically orients itself on the
next leg.
(5) If the flight plan contains more waypoints
than can be displayed on the screen at one time, the
page will automatically scroll as progress is made
along the flight plan so that the active leg is always
(6) The last waypoint in the flight plan is
always displayed at the bottom of the FPL 0 page,
even if all of the waypoints in the flight plan cant be
displayed on the page at one time. To view
intermediate waypoints, turn the left cursor function on
and use the left outer knob manually scroll through all
the waypoints. If scrolling is performed all the way to
the end of the flight plan, a blank waypoint position will
exist so that a waypoint may be added to the end of
the flight plan.
h. Turn Anticipation and Waypoint Alerting.
Prior to reaching a waypoint in the active flight plan,
the KLN 90B will provide navigation along a curved
path segment to ensure a smooth transition between
two adjacent legs in the flight plan. Refer to Figure
3D-43. This feature is called turn anticipation. The
transition course is based upon the aircrafts actual
groundspeed and the amount of course angle change
between the two legs. The KLN 90B automatically
sequences to the next leg after passing the midpoint in
the transition segment.
(1) Approximately 20 seconds prior to the
beginning of turn anticipation, the arrow preceding the
active waypoint identifier will begin flashing on the FPL
0 page and on any Navigation page, Distance/Time
page, or Waypoint page displaying the active waypoint
identifier. On the Super NAV 5 page, the entire
waypoint identifier will start to flash. The external
waypoint alert annunciator will begin flashing at the
same time. This is called waypoint alerting.