TM 1-1510-225-10
2. Press the D button. The Direct To page
is displayed on the left side and it contains
the desired waypoint identifier.
3. Press the ENT button to approve the
waypoint page displayed on the right side.
The right side will now display the NAV 1
page and the left side will return to the
page that was displayed prior to pressing
the D button. If the direct to was started
while the NAV 1 page was shown on the
left side, the left and right pages will revert
to the pages that were shown before the
direct to was started. The selected
waypoint is now the active direct to
d. Recentering the Deviation Bar. To re-
center the deviation bar to proceed to the same
waypoint and perform the following:
1. Select a non-waypoint page (NAV, D/T,
REF, or CTR) or the Active Waypoint page
on the right side.
2. Press the D button. The Direct To page
is displayed on the left, containing the
active waypoint identifier.
3. Press the ENT button.
If the KLN 90B is in the approach mode and
this method is used to center the deviation
bar when the missed approach point is the
active waypoint, the approach mode will be
canceled and the unit will revert to the
approach arm mode. A missed approach
will have to be executed.
e. Proceeding Directly to Another Waypoint.
Proceed direct to another waypoint other than the
active waypoint, by using Direct To procedure 1 or 2 at
any time.
f. Canceling Direct To Operation. The
primary reason for wanting to cancel direct to
operation is to return to flight plan operation.
1. Press the D button.
2. Press the CLR button.
3. Press the ENT button.
g. Waypoint Alerting for Direct To Operation.
Approximately 36 seconds prior to reaching a direct to
waypoint, the arrow preceding the waypoint identifier
on the waypoint page for the active waypoint will begin
flashing. This arrow will also be flashing on any
navigation page or any distance/time page displaying
the active waypoint identifier. On the Super NAV 5
page, the entire waypoint identifier will start to flash.
This is called waypoint alerting. The external waypoint
annunciator will begin flashing at the same time.
The KLN 90B has six navigation pages. Unlike
any other pages, these pages may be selected and
viewed on both the left and right sides of the screen.
a. NAV 1 Page. The NAV 1 page, Figure
3D-10, displays the following information.
(1) The Active Navigation Leg. For direct to
operation, this consists of D followed by the active
DIRECT TO waypoint identifier. For the leg of a flight
plan, this consists of the FROM waypoint identifier and
the active TO waypoint identifier. An arrow (® )
precedes the active waypoint identifier.
GS 193KT
ETE 3:34
BRG 303o
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Figure 3D-10. NAV 1 Page (Flight Plan Operation)
(2) A Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) that
displays left and right deviation from the desired track.
A vertical bar operates like a navigation needle on a
conventional CDI or EHSI. Each dot represents one
nautical mile deviation from the desired track, five
nautical miles full scale deflection. The center triangle
also serves as the CDIs TO / FROM indicator. The
word FLAG is displayed over the CDI when the KLN
90B is not usable for navigation.
It is possible to change the CDI scale factor
to be 0.2 NM per dot, 1 nautical mile full-
scale deflection, or 0.06 nm per dot, 0.3 nm
full scale defection.