TM 1-1510-225-10
(7) Vertical Speed Hold Mode Selector. The
Vertical Speed (VS) is selected by pressing the VS
button on the mode selector. When VS is selected, it
overrides the APR CAP, GA, ALT, ALTSEL CAP, IAS,
or PITCH HOLD modes. In the VS mode, the pitch
command is proportional to VS error provided by the
air data computer. Pressing and holding the TCS
button allows the pilot to maneuver the aircraft to a
new VS reference without disengaging the mode.
Once engaged in the VS mode, the mode will be reset
if the air data computer is not valid and the command
cue will bias out of view if the VS is not valid.
(8) Altitude Pre-select Mode Selector. The
Altitude Pre-select (ALTSEL) Mode is selected by
pressing the ALTSEL button on the mode selector.
The desired altitude is selected on the altitude pre-
select controller. Pitch hold, VS or IAS may be
selected as a mode to fly to the selected altitude.
When outside the altitude bracket trip point, the
ALTSEL ARM annunciator, along with the selected
pitch mode, is illuminated on the mode selector. When
reaching the bracket altitude, the system automatically
switches to the ALTSEL CAP mode and the previously
selected pitch mode is canceled. At bracket, a
command is generated to asymptotically capture the
selected altitude. When the altitude is reached, the
ALTSEL CAP mode is automatically canceled and the
FD switches to the ALT hold mode. If the air data
computer is not valid, the altitude pre-select mode
cannot be selected. The command cue will bias out of
view if the VG is not valid.
(9) Altitude Hold Mode. The Altitude Hold
Mode (ALT) is selected by pressing the ALT button on
the mode selector. When ALT is selected, it overrides
HOLD modes. In the ALT mode, the pitch command is
proportional to the altitude error provided by the air
data computer. The altitude error signal is gain
programmed as a function of airspeed. Pressing and
holding the TCS button allows the pilot to maneuver
the aircraft to a new altitude hold reference without
disengaging the mode. Once engaged in the altitude
hold mode, the mode will be reset if the air data
computer is not valid and the command cue will bias
out of view if the VG is not valid.
If the Baro setting on the altimeter is
changed, a command is generated to fly
the aircraft back to the original altitude
e. Other Mode Selection.
The TACAN receiver must be tuned to a
valid TACAN frequency. TACAN functions
information rather than VOR signals. The
ARM / CAP annunciation is the same as in
VOR mode.
(1) TACAN Mode. The TACAN mode is
selected by pressing the HSl source selector TACAN
button. TACAN navigation information is then selected
and displayed on the HSl by pressing the respective
HSl TACAN button.
(2) Pitch Hold Mode. Whenever a roll mode
is selected without a pitch mode, the command cue
will display a pitch attitude hold command. The pitch
attitude can be changed by pressing the TCS button
on the control wheel and maneuvering the aircraft.
The command cue will be synchronized to zero while
the button is pressed. Upon release of the button, the
pitch command will be such as to maintain the new
pitch attitude. In the pitch hold mode, the command
cue will be biased out of view if the VG is not valid.
(3) Go-Around (GA) Mode. The GA is
selected by pressing the remote go-around switch.
When selected, all other modes are reset and the
remote go-around annunciator GA is illuminated. The
command cue receives a wings level command, zero
command when roll is zero. The command cue also
receives the go-around command which is a 7 pitch
up attitude command. Selecting GA disconnects the
autopilot. The yaw damper remains on.
Once go-around is selected, any roll mode can
be selected and will cancel the wings level roll
command. The go-around mode is canceled by
selecting another pitch mode or TCS.
a. Description. The Altitude Select Controller
provides a means for setting the desired altitude
reference for the altitude alerting and altitude pre-
select system. Refer to Figure 3C-13.
(1) Altitude Alert. As the aircraft reaches a
point 1000 feet from the selected altitude, a signal is
generated to light the warning light on the altimeter
and sound a warning horn for 1 second. This light
remains on until the aircraft is 300 50 feet from the
selected altitude. If the aircraft now deviates by 300
50 feet or more from the selected altitude, the light is
again energized and the horn is sounded. The light
remains on until the aircraft returns to within 300 50