TM 1-1510-225-10
(g) VERT DEV. Vertical deviation of the
aircraft's flight path from the computed correct descent
path in feet. HIGH indicates that aircraft is above path.
LOW indicates that aircraft is below path. CLIMB
GRAD xxx / NM (climb gradient xxx per nautical mile)
is displayed during CLIMB mode to indicate current
aircraft climb performance in feet per nautical mile.
VERT DEV data field will display dashes if
the ETE to descent path intercept is greater
than one minute. This line will be blank if
no Flight Path Angle (FPA) is programmed
at the descent reference waypoint In this
case #TOD will be determined using the
default FPA from the VNAV Data page.
(h) DATA. Placing the cursor over the
DATA field and pressing enter will cause the VNAV
Data page to be displayed.
(2) VNAV 2/3 (Flight Plan) Page. Refer to
Figure 3A-34.
Figure 3A-34. VNAV 2/3 Page
(a) VNAV Mode (First Line Of Display
Below Title). This line displays the same information
as on VNAV 1/3 page.
(b) Waypoints. Lateral and vertical
waypoints are listed on this page in order of
occurrence with respect to the vertical profile, with
constraint altitude and applicable waypoint offset. One
of the following system generated VNAV profile point
may also appear.
1 #TOC Indicates top of climb
target cruise altitude.
2 #TOD Indicates top of descent
target cruise altitude.
3 #PRESL Indicates the estimated
position where the aircraft will arrive at the altitude
shown on the altitude pre-selector.
(c) ++++++ Separates the missed
approach procedure from the rest of the approach.
(d) Waypoint Identifiers May consist of
from one to six alphanumeric characters. If more
identifiers are present than can be listed on this page,
VNAV 3/3, will list the remainder. Refer to Figure
Waypoints cannot be added to the active
flight plan via VNAV 2/3. Enter new
waypoint on Active Flight Plan page.
(e) ERASE Used to erase all altitude
constraints, except the altitude constraint at the current
lateral TO waypoint.
Figure 3A-35. VNAV 3/3 Page
h. VNAV Data 1/1 Page. Refer to Figure 3A-36.
This page is accessed by using the line
select key to place the cursor over the
DATA prompt on one of the VNAV pages
and pressing the ENTER key.