TM 1-1510-225-10
(16) Rate of Turn Indicator. The rate of turn
indicator is located directly below rate of turn scale and
moves to indicate direction and rate of turn.
(17) Rising Runway Indicator. The rising
runway will be displayed on the EADI when the flight
director is in the precision approach mode. The
centerline of the rising runway represents the ILS
lateral fly to command. If the radio altimeter is
providing height above ground level information, the
rising runway will start increasing in size at 200 feet
AGL and will continue to increase in size to 0 feet
(18) Delta Aircraft Symbol. The pitch and roll
attitude of the aircraft are displayed by the relationship
of the fixed delta aircraft symbol and the movable
horizon. The symbolic aircraft is flown to satisfy the
command cues of the flight director command bars.
(19) Marker Beacon Annunciators. The
marker beacon annunciators in the lower left corner of
the EADI illuminate when Outer Marker (OM), Middle
Marker (MM), or Inner Marker (IM) signals are
(20) Perspective Lines. The perspective lines
extend downward from the center of the horizon line to
provide additional cues during steep turns.
(21) Vertical Deviation Scale. The vertical
deviation scale is located on the right side of the EADI
and provides a vertical reference of the aircraft in
relation to the Glideslope or climb/descent profiles.
(22) Vertical Deviation Indicator. The vertical
deviation indicator and scale display deviation from the
glideslope when on an ILS approach or deviation from
a vertical climb or descent profile when vertical
navigation is in use.
(23) Single-Cue Flight Director Command
Bars. The command bars indicate where to move the
delta aircraft symbol to satisfy the pitch and roll
commands computed by the flight director.
(24) Heading Marker. The heading marker,
located on the heading scale on the horizon line, is
used to select the heading to be flown.
(25) Pitch Attitude Scale. The aircraft's pitch
angle with respect to the earth's horizon may be read
at the center of the horizon line.
a. Description. The Electronic Horizontal
Situation Indicator combines several displays to
provide a map-like display of aircraft position. The
indicator displays aircraft displacement relative to a
VOR or TACAN radial and localizer and glideslope
beam. The EHSI provides the following full and partial
compass display information.
(1) Full Compass Displays. Refer to Figure
1. Heading
2. Course selection
3. Course or azimuth deviation
4. Distance
5. Groundspeed
6. To/from
7. Desired track
8. Bearing
9. Heading selection
10. Glideslope deviation
11. Time-to-go
12. Heading
13. Heading synchronization
(2) Partial Compass Displays. Refer to
Figure 3A-15.
1. Weather radar
2. Lightning sensor system data
3. Navigation map