TM 1-1510-225-10
b. EADI Controls, Indicators, and Functions.
Refer to Figure 3A-13.
(1) Autopilot/Yaw
Annunciators. The autopilot/yaw damper mode
annunciators are located in the upper left comer of the
(a) AP Mode Annunciator. The AP
mode annunciator illuminates green to indicate that the
autopilot is engaged. If the autopilot has been
engaged and then disengaged, a flashing red AP will
be annunciated. A yellow horizontal arrow under the
AP annunciator will be displayed on the inactive side
(side not controlling the aircraft), pointing toward the
active side.
(b) YD Mode Annunciator. The YD
mode annunciator illuminates green to indicate that the
yaw damper is engaged.
1. Autopilot/Yaw
2. Autopilot/Flight Director Lateral Mode
3. Autopilot Command Data Display
4. Autopilot/Flight Director Vertical Mode
Annunciators Runway Indicator
5. Radio Altimeter Digital Altitude Display
(For Single-Cue Command Bars)
6. Radio Altimeter Annunciator
7. Horizon Line With Heading Scale
8. Airspeed Fast/Slow or Angle of Attack
9. Airspeed Fast/Slow or Angle of Attack
Scale Command Bars
10. Lateral Deviation Scale Annunciator
11. Decision Height Annunciator
12. Decision Height Digital Display
13. Lateral Deviation Scale
14. Rate of Turn Scale
15. Inclinometer
16. Rate of Turn Indicator
17. Rising Runway Indicator
18. Delta Aircraft Symbol
19. Marker Beacon Annunciators
20. Perspective Lines
21. Vertical Deviation Scale
22. Vertical Deviation Indicator
23. Single-Cue Flight Director
24. Heading Marker
25. Pitch Attitude Scale
Figure 3A-13. Electronic Attitude Director Indicator