TM 1-1510-225-10
(10) Range Down Switch. Pressing the range
down switch, placarded RNG, will select the next lower
range to be displayed on the EHSI while in the NAV
MAP or WEATHER modes. Once the lowest
selectable range is reached, the range up switch must
be used to change range.
(11) Primary Navigation Sensor System Push-
Button Selector Switch. The primary navigation
sensor system push-button selector switch, placarded
1 2, is used to select either primary navigation
sensor system #1 or #2 for display on the EFIS
system. The primary NAV system selected is
annunciated as sensor 1 or 2 on the EHSI. For
example, if VOR 1 is being displayed and the 1 2
switch is pressed, VOR 2 will become the displayed
sensor. If only one sensor is installed, the display will
not cycle and the sensor annunciation will not show a
system number. For example, ADF is displayed (not
ADF 1), since only one ADF is installed.
(12) HSI Double Needle Bearing Pointer
Source Push-Button Selector Switch. Pressing the
HSI double needle bearing pointer source selector
switch selects the next available sensor for display.
The bearing pointer sensor list contains only those
sensors that have bearing information capabilities. If
the selected sensor has distance information paired
with it, that distance will also be displayed below the
sensor annunciation. Possible sensors for the double
needle bearing pointer are as follows.
1. DECLUTTER (no number one or
information is displayed).
2. VOR.
3. TCN.
4. LNAV (GPS).
5. ADF.
6. DME number one (distance only).
(13) HSI
Source Push-Button Selector Switch. Pressing the
HSI single needle bearing pointer source selector
switch selects the next available sensor for display.
The bearing pointer sensor list contains only those
sensors that have bearing information capabilities. If
the selected sensor has distance information paired
with it, that distance will also be displayed below the
sensor annunciation. Possible sensors for the single
needle bearing pointer are the same as for the double
needle bearing pointer.
(14) HSI Course Select Knob. Rotation of the
course select knob, placarded CRS, allows the course
pointer and digital course to be set to the desired
course. Pulling the course select knob out will cause
the course pointer and digital course readout on the
EHSI to change to the direct course to the selected
navaid or active waypoint.
a. Description. The EADI combines a sphere-
type attitude display with lateral and vertical computed
steering signals to provide commands required to
intercept and maintain a desired flight path. Refer to
Figure 3A-11 for EADI Fault Annunciators and 3A-12
for EADI Category II Symbology. The EADI provides
the following display information.
1. Attitude display.
2. Flight director command cue.
3. Flight director mode annunciations.
4. Heading.
5. Vertical deviation.
6. Expanded localizer.
7. Radio altitude with rising runway display.
8. Decision height setting and annunciations.
9. Marker beacon annunciations.
10. Air data command.
11. Rate of turn.
12. Reversionary annunciations.
13. Flags.
14. Comparison monitors.