TM 1-1510-225-10
(13) Course Deviation Bar. The course
deviation bar represents the centerline of the selected
navigation or localizer course.
(14) Compass Card. The compass card
indicates aircraft heading referenced to the white
triangular heading index (lubber line). The compass
scale is divided in 5 increments with the 10 divisions
being approximately twice as long. Fixed 45 index
marks are adjacent to the compass scale.
(15) Double Bar (#2 System) Bearing Pointer
Source Annunciator. The double bar bearing source
annunciator displays the navigation sensor providing
bearing information to the double bar pointer.
(16) Double Bar (#2 System) Bearing Pointer
Distance. The double bar (#2 system) bearing pointer
distance display shows the distance to the selected
bearing reference ground station.
(17) Double Bar (#2 System) Bearing Pointer.
The double bar (#2 system) bearing pointer points to
the selected bearing sensor ground station, or
waypoint when in the LNAV mode.
(18) DME Hold Annunciator. The DME hold
annunciator is displayed when the DME hold function
is selected.
(19) Single Bar (#1 System) Bearing Pointer
Distance. The single bar (#1 system) bearing pointer
distance display shows the distance to the selected
bearing reference ground station.
(20) Single Bar (#1 System) Bearing Pointer
Source Annunciator. The single bar bearing source
annunciator displays the navigation sensor providing
bearing information to the single bar pointer.
(21) Single Bar (#1 System) Bearing Pointer.
The single bar (#1 system) bearing pointer points to
the selected bearing sensor ground station (or
waypoint when in the LNAV mode).
(22) Selected Heading Digital Display. When
the EHSI is in the 360 compass mode, a full time
digital readout of the heading selected with the
heading select knob is shown on a digital display on
the left side of the EHSI below the vertical deviation
scale as well as by the heading marker.
(23) Vertical Deviation Scale And Indicator.
The vertical deviation scale appears on the left side of
the EHSI when ILS or VNAV is selected. The white
vertical deviation scale provides a reference for the
vertical deviation indicator. The scale and indicator
provide ILS glideslope and vertical navigation (VNAV)
deviation information. The deviation indicator moves
in relation to the scale to indicate glide path center with
respect to aircraft position.
(24) VNAV Mode Annunciator. Indicates
whether VNAV information displayed by the vertical
deviation pointer and scale is feet (FT) or angle in
degrees (AN).
(25) Wind Speed and Wind Vector. Wind
speed and direction information is displayed in the
upper left corner of the EHSI if using LNAV (GPS or
FMS) as the primary navigation source.
If an EFIS display or EADI symbol generator
section fails, the composite mode may be selected for
display on the remaining good display unit by pressing
the composite, placarded CMPST, switch indicator on
the instrument panel. The base composite display
uses the standard EADI display for its foundation. To
it is added a standard lateral deviation scale, selected
CRS, selected HDG, distance information, DME HOLD
annunciation, selected NAV sensor, and TO / FR
information. Creating a composite display in this
manner provides the pilot a familiar display, which
requires minimal transition time when it is selected for
use. The composite en route mode display is shown
in Figure 3A-17 and the composite approach mode
display is shown in Figure 3A-18.
If the EADI section of the symbol generator
fails, a full composite display may be
displayed on the EHSI. If the EHSI section
fails, only pitch and roll information will be
displayed on the EADI.
The following paragraphs describe the areas of
the composite display that differ from the standard
EADI display.
As the aircraft heading changes, the
selected course arrow will follow the
heading tape and may disappear from
a. Heading Tape. If the heading data along the
top of the horizon line becomes unavailable or invalid,
a stationary red HDG annunciator will be displayed
above and to the right of the symbolic aircraft.