TM 1-1520-218-10
Figure 3C-134. Cue/Cold Page Access
Table 3C-97. Cue/Cold Page Access Procedure
Enter cold start and cue frequencies.
Return to SINCGARS page.
Select to activate cue and cold start settings of the V/UHF.
(3) Head Up Communication Radio Data.
The FDS-255 provides the pilot with a heads up
display of the V/UHF communication radio data on the
Flight Display Free Format Line (FFL) as shown in
Figure 3C-135. The current tuned callsign and
frequency are displayed in green on the left side of the
FFL. The previous tuned callsign and frequency are
displayed in cyan on the right side of the FFL. An
external QUICK TUNE push button, located on the
pilot's and copilot's control yokes, is dedicated for
remote communication radio frequency control.
The QUICK TUNE push button works in
conjunction with the CDU scratchpad to allow the crew
to tune the radio displayed on the EHSI. To tune the
radio to the previously tuned frequency, press the
QUICK TUNE push button without a valid entry in the
CDU scratchpad. To tune the displayed radio to a
different frequency, enter the frequency or callsign in
the CDU scratchpad, regardless of what page is
currently being displayed. Press the QUICK TUNE
push button. The V/UHF will be tuned to the new
frequency and the change is reflected on both the
EHSI free format line and the Communication page.
Refer to Figure 3C-136 and Table 3C-98 for an
example of tuning a radio via the quicktune push