TM 1-1510-218-10 3A-37 wings level and 7 nose up climb attitude. NOTE Go-around mode can be selected any time after selecting APPR mode. 2. HDG selector switch – Press, after aircraft cleanup, go-around power settings, and airspeed are established. m. Back-Course Approach. 1. VORreceiver – Tune appropriate frequency. 2. COURSE knob – Set front course inbound runway heading in COURSE window. 3. HDG knob – Set heading marker to desired intercept angle. 4. HDG selector switch – Press. Observe that HDG lamp illuminates autopilot/flight director annunciator panel. 5. B/C selector switch – Press. Observe that BACK LOCand NAV ARMannunciator lamps illuminate autopilot/flight director annunciator panel, indicating that system is armed for back localizer capture. Any previously selected vertical mode will cancel. 6. NAV CAP annunciator lamp will illuminate when system has captured back localizer course. 7. PITCH control – Use to establish and maintain desired rate of descent. n. Yaw Damper Operation. (1) The rudder channel of the autopilot may be selected separately for yaw damping by pressing the YAW DAMP switch on the pedestal. The switch face will illuminate when the yaw damper is engaged. (2) To disengage the yaw damper, press the disconnect button on the pilot's or copilot's control wheel to the first detent or press the YAW DAMPswitch on the pedestal. (3) Refer to Emergency Procedures for other means of disconnecting the yaw damper. o. Disconnecting Autopilot.The autopilot may be disconnected by any of the following actions. 1. Pressing DISC TRIM/AP YDswitch located on the outboard horn of either control wheel to the first detent. 2. Placing the ENG / DIS switch on the autopilot mode selector panel to the DISposition. Section IV. RADAR AND TRANSPONDER 3A-28. DESCRIPTION. The radar and transponder group provides identification, position, emergency tracking system, and radar system to locate weather areas. 3A-29. DIGITAL WEATHER RADAR (RDR 2000) SYSTEM. a. Description. The RDR 2000 color weather radar not only displays in-flight weather, but also permits incorporation of the KGR-358 radar graphics unit. The color weather radar is used to detect significant enroute weather formations to preclude undesirable penetration of heavy weather and its usually associated turbulence. The weather radar system provides a 320 nm display, with a 240 nm weather avoidance range plus weather penetration advantages. With the radar graphics unit in the NAV mode, navigation information is integrated with the weather display. The phased array antenna (flat plate), located in the nose of the aircraft, is fully stabilized to compensate for aircraft pitch and roll. The antenna provides a full 90° scan angle, ±15° tilt, and a 4-microsecond pulse width in both weather and ground mapping modes. Extended Sensitivity Time Control (STC) increases the displayed intensity of storms outside the normal STC range. Extended STC relates the storm intensity to its distance and assigns a corresponding color. As a result, the display presents a more accurate picture of storm intensity. Weather systems are displayed as 5 colors, including black, depicting rainfall intensity overlaid with range rings. Bearing marks at dead ahead and 20° on either side, aids the pilot in judging the bearing of storms and necessary heading changes. With radar graphics interfaced, activate a circle mode by pressing the page button located on the radar graphics control panel. Functional operation in this mode is the same as in the standard display mode and
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