TM 1-1510-218-10
(4) GYRO SLAVE / FREE Switch. Controls
system mode of operation.
(a) SLAVE. Places system in SLAVE
(b) FREE. Places system in FREE
Provides manual fast synchronization for the system.
(a) INCREASE. Causes gyro heading
output to increase.
(b) DECREASE. Causes gyro heading
output to decrease.
a. Description.
Two VOR receivers are
provided. VOR No. 2 is identical in operation to VOR
No. 1 except that no marker beacon section is
provided in VOR No. 2. The unit is an airborne
navigation-communications radio whose function is to
receive and interpret VOR and localizer (LOC) signals
in the frequency range of 108.00 to 117.95 MHz,
glideslope signals in the frequency range of 329.15 to
335.00 MHz, and marker beacon signals to 75 MHz.
Signal reception is limited to line-of-sight and by the
power of the transmitter with a maximum range of 120
miles. The VOR receivers are protected by two
2-ampere circuit breakers, placarded VOR # 1 and
VOR # 2, located on the overhead circuit breaker
b. Associated Controls and Functions. Refer
to Figure 2-17, Sheet 1.
(1) Pilot's VOR 1 / VOR 2 Switch. Controls
course select and display circuits of the pilot's HSI.
(a) VOR 1. Circuits are connected to
VOR No. 1 receiver.
(b) VOR 2. Circuits are connected to
VOR No. 2 receiver.
(2) Copilot's VOR 1 / VOR 2 Switch.
Controls course select and display circuits of the
copilot's HSI.
(a) VOR 1. Circuits are connected to
VOR No. 1 receiver.
(b) VOR 2. Circuits are connected to
VOR No. 2 receiver.
If the pilot's and copilot's VOR 1 / VOR 2
switches are in the same position, the pilot
has control of the course select circuits of
the selected receiver and the copilot can
only monitor deviation information from
the selected receiver. A PILOT SELECT
indicator will illuminate to notify the copilot
that he has selected the same receiver as
the pilot.
(3) A Indicator. Illuminates when passing
over airways marker station.
(4) O Indicator. Illuminates when passing
over outer marker station.
(5) M Indicator. Illuminates when passing
over middle marker station.
Refer to Figure 3A-1 for items (6), (7), and
(6) AUDIO VOR Switch. Applies VOR audio
to respective headsets.
(7) MKR BCN HI-LO Switch. Controls
sensitivity of marker beacon receiver.
(8) MKR BCN VOL Control. Adjusts volume
of received signal.
c. Controls and Functions. Refer to Figure
(1) Frequency Indicator. Indicates operating
frequency of set.
(2) Frequency Control. Selects desired
operating frequency.
(3) NAV TEST Push Button. When pressed,
the following indications are presented:
(a) RMI Single needle indicates 5°.
(b) HSI Lateral deviation to the right.
Glideslope deviation down.
(4) VOL / OFF Control. Turns set on and
adjusts volume.