TM 1-1510-218-10
7. If the waypoint is being entered on a
page on the left screen when ENT is
flashing in the lower middle segment
of the display, press the ENT button.
This will display a waypoint page on
the right side of the screen for the
identifier just entered.
8. Verify
displayed, press the ENT button again
to approve the waypoint entry. The
right side will return to the page
previously displayed.
(3) Alternate Waypoint Data Entry. This
method applies when there is a page on the left side of
the screen with the cursor over a field where a
waypoint can be entered. Fill the waypoint on the left
side by first selecting the desired waypoint page on the
right side. When the ENT button is pressed, the
waypoint field on the left will contain the flashing
identifier of the waypoint that is displayed on the right
side. To finalize the selection, press the ENT button
(4) The Duplicate Waypoint Page. There are
some waypoints in the database with the same
identifier. When a waypoint identifier has been
entered that is not unique to a single waypoint, a
duplicate waypoint page displays on the left side. The
duplicate waypoint page is used to select which of the
waypoints having the same identifier is actually
desired. The waypoint identifier is displayed on the
top left of the page. Refer to Figure 3-6.
D 11
Figure 3-6. Duplicate Waypoint Page
To the right of the identifier is the number of
waypoints in the database having the identifier. Below
the identifier is a list of the waypoint types and the
associated countries that use the identifier. If there
are more than four waypoints having the same
identifier, only the first four are initially shown. The
cursor will be over the first waypoint listed. They are
listed with the waypoint closest to the aircraft's present
position displayed first and the waypoint farthest from
the aircraft displayed last. To view the rest, rotate the
left outer knob clockwise. Doing so will move the
cursor over waypoints two, three, and four and then
will cause the waypoint list to scroll so that the other
waypoints in the list may be seen. To select the
desired waypoint:
1. Move the cursor over the appropriate
2. Press the ENT button to view the
3. Press
approve the entry of the waypoint.
h. Message Page. The MSG prompt flashing
in inverse video at the bottom of the display indicates a
situation that requires attention. View the message at
the earliest opportunity. To view the message, press
the MSG button. The Message page, which takes up
the whole width of the display, will appear and show
the new message. It is possible that several
messages are displayed at one time on the message
page. The newest message appears first and the rest
in reverse chronological order.
After reading the message, press the MSG
button again to return to the pages that were
previously in view. If all the messages cannot be
displayed on one page, repeated presses of the MSG
button will show the other messages before returning
to the pages which were previously in view. Whenever
a message condition exists which requires a specific
action, the message prompt will remain on but not
Initialization. Since the KLN 90B stores its
position and other required parameters in memory
when power to the unit is removed, it is seldom
necessary to aid the unit in reaching a NAV ready
status. In order for the unit to reach a NAV ready
condition, it is necessary to meet the following
(1) The KLN 90B's almanac data must be
current. Almanac data is crude orbital information for
all the satellites and is used for initial acquisition when
the unit is first turned on. This data is stored in the
KLN 90B's non-volatile memory and is considered
current up to 6 months. Each satellite sends almanac
data for all satellites. Since the KLN 90B routinely
updates the almanac data during normal operation, the
almanac data will become out of date only if the KLN