breakers located on the overhead circuit breaker
panel placarded FUEL CONTR HEAT, LEFT or
RIGHT (fig. 2-26).
To prevent overheat damage to electri-
cally heated anti-ice jackets, the FUEL
VENT heat switches should not be turned
ON unless cooling air will soon pass over
the jackets.
b. Normal Operation. For normal operation,
switches for the FUEL VENTS anti-ice circuits are
turned ON as required during the BEFORE TAKE-
OFF procedures (Chapter 8).
a. Description. Both pilot and copilot wind-
shields are provided with an electrothermal anti-ice
system. Each windshield is part of an independent
electrothermal anti-ice system. Each system is com-
prised of the windshield assembly with heating wires
sandwiched between glass panels, a temperature sen-
sor attached to the glass, an electrothermal control-
ler, two relays, a control switch, and two circuit
breakers. Two switches, placarded WSHLD ANTI-
located on the overhead control panel (fig. 2-l 2)
control system operation. Each switch controls one
electrothermal windshield system. The circuits of
each system are protected by a 5-ampere circuit
breaker and a 50-ampere circuit breaker which are
not accessible to the flight crew. The 50-ampere cir-
cuit breakers are located in the power distribution
panel under the floor ahead of the main spar. The
5-ampere circuit breakers are located on panels for-
ward of the instrument panel.
Normal Operation. Two levels of heat are
provided through the three position switches plac-
arded NORMAL in the aft position, OFF in the cen-
ter position, and HI after lifting the switch over a
detent and moving it to the forward position. In the
NORMAL position, heat is provided for the major
portion of each windshield. In the HI position, heat
is provided at a higher watt density to a smaller por-
tion of the windshield. The lever lock feature pre-
vents inadvertent switching to the HI position dur-
ing system shutdown.
Description. A mixture of bleed air from
the engines, and ambient air, is available for pres-
TM 55-1510-221-10
surization to the cabin at a rate of approximately 10
to 17 pounds per minute. The flow control unit of
each engine controls the bleed air from the engine to
make it usable for pressurization by mixing ambient
air with the bleed air depending upon aircraft alti-
tude and ambient temperature. On takeoff, excessive
pressure bumps are prevented by landing gear safety
switch actuated solenoids incorporated in the flow
control units. These solenoids, through a time delay,
stage the input of ambient air flow by allowing
ambient air flow introduction through the left flow
control unit first, ten seconds later, air flow through
the right flow control unit. The bleed air switches,
located on the overhead control panel (fig. 2-12)
operate an integral electric solenoid which controls
the bleed air to the firewall shutoff valves.
Pressure Differential. The pressure vessel is
designed for a normal working pressure differential
of 6.0 PSI, which will provide a cabin pressure alti-
tude of 3870 feet at an aircraft altitude of 20,000
feet, and a nominal cabin altitude of 9840 feet at an
aircraft altitude of 31,000 feet.
Cabin Altitude and Rate-of-Climb Control-
ler. A control panel is installed on the copilots side
of the subpanel (fig, 2-6) for operation of the system.
A knob, placarded INC RATE controls the rate of
change of pressurization. A control, placarded
CABIN CONTROLLER is used to set the desired
cabin altitude. For proper cabin pressurization, the
CABIN CONTROLLER should be set 500 feet
above cruise altitude. For landing select 500 feet
above field pressure altitude. The selected altitude is
displayed on a mechanically coupled dial above the
control, placarded CABIN ALT-FT. Mechanically
coupled to the cabin altitude dial, placarded
ACFTX 1000. This dial indicates the maximum alti-
tude the aircraft may be flown at to maintain the
desired cabin altitude without exceeding the design
pressure differential. A switch, placarded CABIN
PRESS DUMP-PRESS-TEST, is provided to control
pressurization. The switch is spring loaded to the
PRESS position. In the DUMP position, the safety
valve will be opened and the cabin will be depressu-
rized to the aircraft altitude. In the PRESS position,
cabin altitude is controlled by the CABIN CON-
TROLLER control. In the TEST position, the land-
ing gear safety switch is bypassed to enable testing of
the pressurization system on the ground. Operating
instructions are contained in Chapter 8.
d. Cabin Rate-of-Climb Indicator. An indica-
tor, placarded CABIN CLIMB, is installed on the
copilots side of the instrument panel (fig. 2-29). The
cabin rate-of-climb controller is calibrated in thou-
sands-of-feet per-minute change in cabin altitude.
e. Cabin Altitude Indicator. An indicator,
placarded CABIN ALT, is installed in the instru-