TM 55-1510-221-10
(h.) ARM-SAFE switch. When in the
SAFE position, power is removed from the M-130
system. When in the ARM position, power is
ignated crew
applied to the M-130 system.
the safety pin
for replacing
1. MAN. Bypasses
grammer and fires one chaff each time one of the
chaff dispense switches is pressed.
2. PGRM. Chaff is fired in
accordance with the preset chaff program as set into
the electronic module (count and interval of bursts
and salvo).
(i.) Ripple Fire Switch Cover. Pre-
vents accidental switch activation.
aircraft is airborne the pilot is responsible for
removing the safety pin from the electronic module
and moving the ARM-SAFE switch on the dispenser
control panel to ARM. Before landing, he is respon-
sible for re-inserting the safety pin in the electronic
module and moving the ARM-SAFE switch to
SAFE. While airborne the pilot and copilot are
responsible for scanning the terrain for missile
threats. When either pilot recognizes a missile
launch he will press the FLARE DISPENSE button
to eject flares.
(8.) Ammunition for dispenser. Ammuni-
tion for the system consists of countermeasure chaff
Ml, countermeasure flares M206, and impulse car-
tridges M796.
(a.) Countermeasure chaff M1. These
units consist of a plastic case 8 inches in length and
0.97 inches square. The base of the chaff case is
flanged to provide one-way assembly into the dis-
penser payload module. The chaff consists of alumi-
num coated fiberglass strands.
(3.) Conditions for firing. The dispenser
system should not be fired unless a missile launch is
observed or radar guided weapons systems is
detected and locked on. If a system malfunction is
aircraft commander may authorize
attempts to dispense flares or chaff as a test in a
non-hostile area.
(b) Countermeasure flare M206.
These units consist of an aluminum case 8 inches in
length and 0.97 inches square. The base of the flare
is flanged to provide one-way assembly into the pay-
load module. The flare material consists of a magne-
sium and teflon composition. A preformed packing
is required in the base of the flare unit prior to
inserting the impulse cartridge.
Aircraft must be in flight
(c.) Impulse cartridge M796. This
cartridge fits into the base of either the flare or chaff
and is electrically initiated to eject flares or chaff
from the dispenser payload module.
b. Normal Operation.
1. Flares. Upon observing a
missile launch the pilot or copilot (whoever sights
the launch first) will fire a flare. If more than one
missile launch is observed, the firing sequence
should be continued until the aircraft has cleared the
threat area.
If aircraft is to be flown with flare dis-
penser assembly removed, fairing should
be removed from fuselage.
(1.) General. At the present time surface-
to-air intermediate range guided missiles that are
launched against the aircraft must be visually
detected by the aircraft crew. Crew members must
insure visual coverage over the ground area where a
missile attack is possible. The aircraft radar warning
system will only alert the pilot and copilot when the
aircraft is being tracked by radar-guided anti-aircraft
weapons systems. It will not indicate the tiring of
weapons against the aircraft.
2_ Chaff Upon receiving an
alert from the aircraft radar warning system, the
pilot or copilot will fire the chaff and initiate an eva-
sive maneuver. The number of burst/salvo and num-
ber of salvo/program and their intervals as estab-
lished by training doctrine will be set into the
programmer prior to take-off (refer to TM 9-1095
206- 13 & P for information on setting programmer).
If desired, the operator may override the pro-
grammed operational mode and fire chaff counter-
measures manually by moving the dispenser func-
tion selector switch to MANUAL and pressing a
dispenser switch.
(b.) Firing responsibility. When the
pilot or copilot observes a missile launch or radar
warning indication, he fires flares or chaff and
assumes command of the dispenser system, and fires
succeeding flares as required. He will advise the
other pilot that a missile launch has been observed
Crew responsibilities. The pilot or des-
member is responsible for removing
from the right wing before flight, and
it immediately after flight. After the
to dispense
(a.) Firing procedure.