TM 55-1510-221-10
Mission Equipment
Section I.
Complete provisions only are installed for the
GPS, CHAALS and AQL mission systems. Equip-
ment descriptions and operating instructions are to
be obtained from appropriate vendor and Army
Technical manuals.
The mission control panel (fig 4-l), mounted on
the copilots sidewall, consists of three sections. The
top section contains the mission caution/advisory
annunciator panel, see Table 2-8. The center section
contains one DC volt/ammeter, two digital AC volt/
frequency meters, two AC digital load meters, one
antenna steering synchro control, and the antenna
steering mode selector switch. The bottom section
contains the mission equipment control switches
and the mission equipment circuit breakers.
Section II.
Description. The M- 130 flare and chaff dis-
pensing system provides effective survival counter-
measures against radar guided weapons systems and
infrared seeking missile threats. The system consists
of two dispenser assemblies with payload module
assemblies, a dispenser control panel, a flare dis-
pense switch, two control wheel mounted chaff dis-
pensing switches, an electronic module assembly,
and associated wiring. The flare and chaff dispens-
ing system is protected by a 5-ampere circuit
breaker, placarded M130 POWER located on the
mission control panel (fig. 4-l).
Right engine nacelle dispenser is for chaff
(1.) Dispenser assemblies. Two inter-
changeable dispenser assemblies are mounted on the
aircraft. One is located in the aft portion of the right
nacelle and the other is mounted on the right side of
the fuselage. On this aircraft the dispenser in the
nacelle will be used for chaff only while the dis-
penser mounted on the fuselage can be used for
either flares or chaff. The selector switch (placarded
C-F) on the dispenser can be set for either chaff or
flares. The unit also contains the sensor for the flare
detector. The dispenser assembly breech plate has
the electrical contact pins which fire the impulse car-
tridges. The unit also contains the sequencing mech-
Payload module assemblies. A remov-
able payload module assembly is provided for each
dispenser assembly. Each payload module has 30
chambers which will accept either flares or chaffs.
Flares or chaffs are loaded into the rear-end (stud-
ded end) of the payload module, and secured in
place by a retaining plate.
(3.) Electronic module assembly (EM).
The electronic module assembly contains the pro-
grammer, the flare detector and a safety switch. The
unit is located behind the pilots seat.
Flare detector. The flare detector
is provided to insure that a flare is burning when it
is ejected from the dispenser payload module. If the
initial flare fails to ignite, the detector automatically
fires another flare within 75 milliseconds. If the sec-
ond flare fails to ignite, the detector will fire a third
flare. If the third flare ignition is not detected, the
detector will not fire another flare until the system
is activated again by pressing the FLARE DIS-
PENSE switch.
Programmer. The programmer is
used for the chaff mode only. It has four switches
for setting count and interval of salvo and burst.
(c.) Safety switch. The safety switch
(with safety pin and red flag) prevents firing of chaff