TM 55-1510-221-10
29. Disconnect aircraft power by pulling the 5
ampere M130 POWER circuit breaker
located on the mission control panel (fig.
Proceed immediately to ammunition loading
The system must have been tested to
assure that there is no stray voltage and
all aircraft power must be removed from
the system prior to unloading the payload
Ammunition Loading Procedure.
Only one shipping container is to be
opened at a time. If a shipping container
has been opened and only partially emp-
tied, the remaining contents will be
secured in the container with an appropri-
ate type of packaging material or filler to
adequately prevent jostling. All munitions
in storage must be in their original ship-
ping containers.
On the dispenser control panel, assure
ARM-SAFE switch is in SAFE posi-
8. On the electronic module and right
wing assure safety pins and flag assem-
blies are installed.
9. Slide payload module assembly into
dispenser assembly and secure two stud
bolts, hand tight, using 5/32 inch hex-
agonal wrench.
b. Ammunition Unloading Procedure.
Place payload module assembly on
work bench in approved safe area so
that the retaining plate is facing up.
All aircraft power to the dispenser system
must be turned off prior to removal of
payload module from dispenser assembly.
Safety pin flag shall be installed in the
Remove retaining plate by unscrewing
electronic module prior to landing and
two retaining bolts.
the safety pin flag shall be installed in the
wing-mounted safety switch immediately
Insert one flare (or chaff) at a time into
after landing.
each chamber of payload module.
4. Remove plastic dust cap from each
chaff or flare.
Prior to insertion of an impulse cartridge,
be sure there is preformed packing in the
flare cartridge. (There will be no pre-
formed packing in chaff cartridges.) Rein-
stall any preformed packing that is inad-
vertently removed with dustcap. The
loading of impulse cartridges into a flare
or chaff shall be accomplished one at a
If there is an indication that a misfire
occurred, notify emergency ordnance dis-
posal personnel for disposition and dis-
Remove module from dispenser assem-
bly by unscrewing two stud bolts with
a 5/32 inch hexagonal wrench and slid-
ing out of dispenser assembly.
Insert one impulse cartridge into each
flare (or chaff).
6 . Install retainer plate assembly by
4. Remove retaining plate from payload
screwing to two retainer bolts into pay-
module by unscrewing two retaining
load module.
On dispenser control panel, assure
ARM-SAFE switch is in SAFE posi-
Assure safety pin and flag are inserted
into electronic module and in the wing
mounted safety switch.