TM 55-1510-219-10
Synchronized control wheel steering
Indicated airspeed hold mode
All-angle adaptive capture for VOR, LOC, and LOC B/C
Attitude display
Heading display
Mode selection indicators
Elevator trim indicator
System integrity warning flags
Automatic yaw damping
Turn and slip indicator
The flight director and autopilot have a common
computer system. When the autopilot is engaged, the
flight control system controls the aircraft and the pilot
monitors the flight path by observing the information
displayed on the pilot's horizon reference indicator (HRI)
and the pilot's horizontal situation indicator (HSI) (flight
director system indicators).
Autopilot/flight director commands are selected at
the autopilot mode selector panel (fig. 3-18) on the
pilot's side of the instrument panel. Manual roll rate and
pitch commands are inserted at the autopilot pitch-turn
panel (fig. 3-21). Autopilot operational status is
indicated by the autopilot/flight director annunciator
positioned above the pilot's horizon reference indicator
on the instrument panel (fig. 2-28). Two autopilot
switches are also provided on each control wheel (fig.
2-16). One switch is placarded PITCH SYNC & CWS
(pitch synchronize and control wheel steering), and the
other is placarded DISC TRIM/AP YD (disconnect
trim/autopilot yaw damp).
Power for the system is provided through a
10ampere AP PWR circuit breaker located on the
overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-26).
Controls and Indicators. The following controls
and indicators are provided for operation of the system.
Instrument Panel (Pilot's).
(a) Autopilot Mode select panel (fig. 3-
18). The autopilot/flight director commands are selected
accomplished by pressing the face of the appropriate
push-on/push-off switch. The lateral modes are HDG,
NAV, APPR and B/C. When not in a lateral mode, the
flight director command bars are biased out of view.
The vertical modes are ALT, IAS, and pitch (all hold
modes). If a vertical mode is not selected, the pitch
hold mode is automatically operational.
Selection of a mode causes the legend of that
pushbutton switch to illuminate. The self-test switch on
the lower right of the autopilot control panel acts as a
lamp test when depressed. For operation at night,
overall illumination of the autopilot mode selector and
switches is adjusted by the PILOT'S INSTRUMENT light
HDG switch
Engages heading mode. Com-
mands aircraft to acquire the
heading indicated by heading
marker on pilot's HSI.
NAV switch
Engages navigation mode. VOR-
I/VOR-2 or TACAN selected,
commands aircraft to intercept
and track VOR radial selected
by course knob on pilot's HSI.
INS selected, commands aircraft
to track steering signals from
INS system. Intercept of approx-
imately 45° and tracking will be
computed by the INS system.
APPR cannot be selected with INS
APPR switch
Engages approach mode. Com-
mands aircraft to intercept and
track ILS inbound course.
ALT switch
Engages altitude hold mode.
Commands aircraft to maintain
pressure altitude.
IAS switch
Engages indicated airspeed hold
mode. Commands aircraft to
maintain airspeed.
B/C switch
Engages backcourse mode. Com-
mands aircraft to intercept back
course ILS.
ENG-DIS switch
Controls coupling of the auto-
matic pilot.
Engages autopilot and illumi-
nates engaged indicator.
Disengages autopilot and illumi-
nates disengaged indicator.
Illuminates when autopilot is
indicator driving trim servo in up
Illuminates when autopilot is
driving trim servo in down di-