pump support assembly (107). Install bushings (98),
9-4. Assembly
washers (97), and nuts (96) on pump side of flange. Do
not secure nuts at this time.
a. Attach bracket (106, fig. 49) to pump support
(7) Check position and alignment of all parts,
assembly (107) using screws (105), washers (104), and
then secure all nuts (100, 96, 92, 88, 85, and 82).
nuts (103).
c. Attach eight handles (109) to tank support
b. Attach pump support assembly to tank support
bottom rails using screws (108) to secure handles in
assembly using figure 4-9 and the following steps as
d. Attach two strap end tiedown fittings (128) to
(1) Install short pump strut (95), to upper
each upper rail on front and rear of tank support
channel rail on front of tank support assembly (133).
assembly (133). On front rail, fittings go on top of rail; on
Attach with bolt (94), washer (93), and nut (92). Do not
rear rail, fittings go on bottom of rail. Secure in place
secure nut at this time.
with washers (127) and nuts (126).
(2) Install eyebolt (90) through hole in upper
e. Attach four tank clamps (132) to ends of tank
channel on rear of tank support assembly. Insert eyebolt
support cradle channels. Strap ends go inside channel,
from front side of channel. Place washer (89) and nut
with clamp facing outward. Secure with screws (131),
(88) on eyebolt. Do not secure nut at this time.
washers (130), and nuts (129). Insert screws from inside
(3) Attach long pump strut (91), to eyebolt
of channel rings.
(90). Attach with bolt (87), washer (86), and nut (85). Do
If desired to install tiedown lugs (28, fig. 4-2) to
not secure nut at this time.
tank support base, place one washer (27) over lug, and
(4) Attach eyebolts (99) to remaining ends of
install tiedown lug body from underneath frame. Place
pump struts (91 and 95). Attach with bolts (84), washers
second washer (27) over lug, and secure lug to tank
(83), and nuts (82). Do not secure nuts at this time.
support frame with nut (26). Secure parts of tiedown lug
(5) Attach pump support assembly (107) to
in place with cotter pin (25).
lower front rail of tank support assembly (133). Attach
with bolts (102), placed from inside channel, washers
(101), and nuts (100). Do not secure nuts at this time.
(6) Insert eyebolts (99) on ends of pump
support struts (91 and 95) through top holes of flange of
threaded parts, attachment holes, and rivets for general
9-5. General
c. Repair components as found necessary by
Two tank strap assemblies (123, fig. 4-9) are used to
removing dents from struts (91 and 95, fig. 4-9), and
secure the tank assembly (125) to the tank clamps (132).
replacing rivets in strap assemblies (123), tank clamps
Pump struts (91 and 95) are used to support the pump
(132), and struts. Replace rivets by drilling out old rivets
support assembly (107). Tiedown lugs (28, fig. 4-2) are
and replacing with exact duplicate or with next larger size
used to secure the insecticide sprayer to the helicopter
if required. Install rivets per Military Standard MIL-STD-
9-6. Removal
9-8. Installation
a. Remove tank strap assemblies (123, fig. 4-9)
a. Attach tank clamps (132, fig. 4-9) to tank
b. Remove tank clamps (132) as instructed in
step e.
b. Attach tank strap assemblies (123) to secure
c. Remove pump struts (91 and 95) as instructed
tank assembly (125) to tank support assembly (133) as
c. Attach pump struts (91 and 95) to tank support
d. Attach tiedown lugs (28, fig. 4-2) to tank
9-7. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
step f.
a. Clean all parts thoroughly to remove buildup of
spray residue, dirt, and grease.
b. Inspect parts for serviceability. Check all