TM 1-8415-216-12&P
k. Rebuild. Consists of those services/actions necessary for the restoration of unservice-
able equipment to a like new condition in accordance with original manufacturing
standards. Rebuild is the highest degree of material maintenance applied to Army
equipment. The rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero those age meas-
urements (hours, miles, etc.) considered in classifying Army equipment/components.
B-4. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS (Columns 1 and 2)
The functional grouping identify maintenance, significant components, assemblies,
subassemblies and modules with the next higher assembly. The repair parts listed in
Appendix C are grouped is disassembly order within each functional group.
Column 3 lists the functions to be performed on the items listed in column 2.
The maintenance categories (levels) AVUM, AVIM, and DEPOT are listed on the MAC with
individual columns that include the work times for maintenance functions at each mainte-
nance level. Work time presentations such as 0.1 indicate the average time it requires a
maintenance level to perform a specified maintenance function. If a work time has not
been established, the columnar presentation shall indicate _._. Maintenance levels higher
than the level of maintenance indicated are authorized to perform the indicated function.
B-7. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT (Columns 5 and Section Ill)
Common tool sets (not individual tools), special tools, test and support equipment required
to perform maintenance functions are listed alphabetically in Section III with a reference
number to permit cross-referencing to column 5 in the MAC. In addition, the maintenance
category authorized to use the device is listed along with the item National Stock Number
(NSN) and, if applicable, the tool number to aid in identifying the tool/device.
B-8. REMARKS (Column 6 and Section IV)
Remarks (identified by an alphabetic code in column 6) and, other notes (identified by a
number in parentheses in the applicable column) when present, will be listed as Section IV,
to provide a ready reference to the definition of the remark/note.