TM 1-8415-216-12&P
(b) Less Than Company Sized Units: Aviation elements organic to brigade,
group, battalion headquarters, and detachment size units are normally small
and have less than ten aircraft assigned. Maintenance tasks performed by
these units will be those which can be accomplished by the aircraft crew
chief or assigned aircraft repairman and will normally be limited to preventive
maintenance, inspections, servicing, spot painting stop drilling, application of
nonstress patches, minor adjustments, module/components fault diagnosis,
and replacement of selected modules/components. Repair functions will nor-
mally be accomplished by the supporting AVIM unit
(2) Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) provides mobile, responsive One-
Stop maintenance support. (Maintenance functions which are not conducive to
sustaining air mobility will be assigned to depot maintenance). AVIM may per-
form all maintenance functions authorized to be done at AVUM. Repair of equip-
ment for return to user will emphasize support or operational readiness
requirements. Authorized maintenance includes replacement and repair of mod-
ules/components and end items which can be accomplished efficiently with avail-
able skills, tools, and equipment. AVIM establishes the Direct Exchange (DX)
program for AVUM units by repairing selected items for return to stock when
such repairs cannot be accomplished at the AVUM level. The AVIM level in-
spects, troubleshoots, performs diagnostic tests, repairs, adjusts, calibrates and
aligns system modules/components. AVIM units will have capability to deter-
mine the serviceability of specified modules/components removed prior to the
specified Time Between Overhauls (TBO) or finite life. Module/component disas-
sembly and repair will support the DX program and will normally be limited to
tasks requiring cleaning and the replacement of seals, fittings, and items of com-
mon hardware. Repair and fabrication of parts will be limited to those mainte-
nance tasks which can be performed with available tools and test equipment.
Unserviceable reparable modules/components and end items which are beyond
the capability of AVIM to repair will be evacuated to Depot Maintenance. AVIM
will perform weight and balance inspections and other special inspections which
exceed AVUM capability. Provides quick response maintenance support, includ-
ing aircraft recovery and air-evacuation, on-the-job training, and technical assis-
tance through the use of mobile maintenance contract teams. Maintains
authorized operational readiness float aircraft. Provides collection and classifica-
tion services for serviceable/unserviceable material. Operates a cannibalization
activity in accordance with AR-750-50. (The maintenance company within the
maintenance battalion of a division will perform AVIM functions consistent with
air mobility requirements and conservation of personnel and equipment re-
sources. Additional intermediate maintenance support will be provided by the
supporting nondivisional AVIM unit.