TM 1-1510-225-10
(c) Modifying
When scrolling back into the history waypoints, the
waypoint immediately preceding the active waypoint is
the current FROM waypoint. The FMS normally
provides steering to intercept the course between the
FROM and TO waypoints. By entering a new FROM
waypoint the FMS steers to intercept a new course
between the newly entered FROM and original TO
waypoints. Figure 3B-35 is an example of the effect of
modifying the FROM waypoint on guidance to the
active waypoint.
(6) Waypoint Steering Data. Once an active
flight plan is entered, the FMS-800 computes the
pilots steering solution. The nomenclatures on the
CDU refer to the steering data that is entered into the
pilots flight instruments.
(a) Display of Pilots Steering Data.
When the STR function key is pressed the CDU
displays the Pilots Lateral Steer page. Refer to Figure
3B-36 and Table 3B -27. The pilots steering uses
GPS as its single navigational source.
Figure 3B-35. Entry of a New FROM Waypoint