TM 1-1510-225-10
Figure 3A-49. Direct To 1/2 Page
(b) HP. HP (holding pattern) indicates
that a holding pattern is programmed at a particular
(c) PT. PT (procedure turn) indicates
that a procedure turn is programmed at a particular
(2) Dir 2/2 Page, Closest Airport. The direct
to closest airport, DIR Closest ARP, page displays up
to nine airports in order of their proximity to the aircraft,
with the closest airport listed first. Refer to Figure
Airports listed from the database have hard
surfaced runways of 3,000 feet or longer.
Figure 3A-50. Direct To 2/2 Page, Closest Airport
o. Waypoint Pages. Waypoint pages can be
accessed from any Flight Plan, Nav Direct, Hold,
Initialization, Heading, or Trip Plan/Fuel Plan pages.
There are four categories of waypoints: database
generated, pilot entered (personalized/offset), special,
and obsolete.
(1) Database WPT 1/8 Page. Refer to
Figure 3A -51, Sheets 1 through 8. Database
generated waypoints are automatically updated when
accessed and cannot be modified by the operator.
The three basic types of waypoints residing in the
database are navaids, airports, and intersections.
(a) VHF Navaids.
1 WAYPOINT. This field displays
the alphanumeric designator for the navaid.
2 POS. This field displays the
coordinates of the waypoint position (POS) as stored
in the database.
3 FREQ. This field displays the
frequency (FREQ) for the station.
4 VAR. This field displays the
magnetic variation (VAR) of the station location.
5 ELEV. This field displays the
elevation in feet of the station (DME equipped VHF
navaids only). A minus sign () indicates that the
elevation of the station is below sea level.
6 NDB -ENTER. To accept the
waypoint from the navigation database (NDB), press
the ENTER key.
Figure 3A-51. Database Waypoint 1/8 Page
(Sheet 1 of 8)