TM 1-1510-225-10
1. Available Main Transceiver Numbers
2. Active Main Transceiver Number
3. Transmit Indicator
4. Channel Number
5. Alphanumeric Frequency Identifier
6. Encryption Annunciator
7. Transceiver Power Level Indicator
8. Transceiver Repeat Or Direct Indicator
9. Cursor
10. Receive And Transmit Subaudible Tone Status
11. Transceiver Numbers With Operating Guard
Figure 3A-3. AM/FM (VHF/UHF) Transceiver Control Display Alpha Page
(9) Squelch Level. The squelch level menu
page allows changing the preset squelch level. Press
the MENU key to bring up the squelch level menu
page. To increase squelch level one increment, press
the upper soft key one time. To increase squelch level
more than one increment, hold down the upper soft
key until the desired number of increments displays.
The arrow at the left of INC will flash for each
increment. To decrease squelch level one decrement,
press the lower soft key one time. To decrease
squelch level more than one decrement, hold down the
lower soft key until the desired number of decrements
displays. The arrow at the left of DEC flashes for each
decrement. Press the CLR key to return to the last
display page shown before going to the squelch level
menu page.
(10) Program Presets Page. The program
presets page allows the user to add, edit, or delete
preset channels. Before programming, prepare a list
with the following information for all channels to be
programmed as follows:
1. Channel number.
2. Alphanumeric identifier.
3. Transmit and receive frequencies.
4. Transmit and receive tones.
5. Transmit