TM 1-1510-225-10
(18) DME 2 Volume Control. A DME 2
volume control, placarded DME 2 VOL, controls
volume level of DME 2 audio.
(19) Annunciator Brightness Control. A knob,
placarded ANN DIM / PUSH BRT, which controls the
brightness level of the EFIS annunciators, located on
the instrument panel above the airspeed indicators,
controls annunciator brightness.
(20) Stormscope Control Switch. Lightning
activity weather avoidance information, which is
displayed on the Electronic Horizontal Situation
Indicator's (EHSI) and the MFD, is controlled by a
switch placarded STORMSCOPE CLEAR / ON / OFF.
The CLEAR position will remove displayed lightning
strike information. When the switch is set to ON,
lightning strike information will be provided to the
(21) Standby Horizon Power Warning Horn
Silence Switch. The standby horizon power warning
horn may be silenced by pressing a push-button
switch placarded HORN SILENCE.
(22) Standby Horizon Power Control Switch.
A switch, placarded ON / OFF / TEST, controls the
standby horizon power system.
(23) Standby Horizon Power Annunciator.
The standby horizon power system annunciator,
placarded AUX ARM / AUX ON / AUX TEST, is used
to monitor functional state of the system.
(24) Voice Advisory System (GPAAS) Switch-
Indicator. The upper half of the voice advisory system
switch-indicator, yellow, is placarded VOICE OFF.
The lower half of the indicator, red, is placarded VA
FAIL. Pressing the VOICE OFF switch-indicator
disables the GPAAS voice advisory and illuminates the
VOICE OFF indicator light. The VA FAIL annunciator
light illuminates when the GPAAS fails.
(25) Voice Advisory System (GPAAS) Volume
Control. A GPAAS volume control placarded VOL,
minimum level.
(26) Transponder
transponder selection switch, placarded XPNDR ATC /
IFF, allows selection of either the commercial
transponder, ATC, or military transponder, IFF.
(27) Air Data Computer Selection Switch. An
air data computer selection switch, placarded AIR
DATA, ALL ON 1 / NORM / ALL ON 2, allows the
operation of: both EFIS systems on the number 1 air
data computer (ALL ON 1) or the number 2 air data
computer (ALL ON 2). It also allows the operation of
one EFIS system on the number 1 air data computer
and the other EFIS system on the number 2 EFIS
system in the NORM position.
The AM/FM (VHF/UHF) transceiver (RT-5000)
may be operated in the following frequency ranges:
a. AM/FM Frequencies:
29.7 to 88 MHz
108 to 116 MHz (receive only)
118 to 156 MHz (AM band)
220 to 225 MHz
225 to 400 MHz
b. FM Frequencies:
138 to 174 MHz
403 to 512 MHz
512 to 806 MHz
806 to 960 MHz
A control-display unit (C-5000) located in the
transceiver. The system is powered through a
10-ampere circuit breaker placarded AM/FM, located
on the right sidewall circuit breaker panel, Figure 2-6.
The transceiver control-display unit can store
350 channels in memory. Frequencies are stored by
channel number, alphanumeric identifier assigned by
the user or by frequency. Each channel has its own
separate transmit and receive frequency, transmit and
receive squelch control setting, channel identifier, and
channel number.
An audio recorder provides playback of the last
10 seconds of the most recent reception.
c. AM/FM (VHF/UHF) Transceiver Control-
Display Unit Controls, Indicators, and Functions.
Refer to Figure 3A-2.
(1) Upper and Lower Soft Keys. The upper
and lower soft keys are display controls. Depending
upon the display page in use, pressing the upper or
lower soft key will have the following results.