TM 1-1510-225-10
(c) Squelch Level Menu Page. Pressing
the upper soft key while on the Squelch Level Menu
page will increase squelch level. Pressing the lower
soft key while on the Squelch Level Menu page will
decrease squelch level.
(d) Relay
applicable with one transceiver.
(e) Dual Microphone Mode Menu Page.
Not applicable with one transceiver.
(2) Display. This fluorescent display shows
system operation.
(3) Direct/Repeat
Pressing the D/R key alternates transceiver system
operation between direct and repeat transmit and
receive operating modes. On menu pages, key 1
moves backward through them. Use the 1 key also to
enter the number 1 when numeric entry is required.
(4) Menu or Number 2 Key. Pressing the
MENU key brings the menu pages up on the display.
On menu pages, pressing the 2 key moves forward
through them. Use the 2 key also to enter the number
2 when numeric entry is required.
(5) Display or Number 3 Key. Pressing the
DISP key brings up a display page. Use the 3 key
also to enter the number 3 when numeric entry is
MUTE function does not work with only
one transceiver installed.
(6) MUTE or Number 4 Key. Pressing the
MUTE key temporarily inhibits all monitored receivers,
except the active transceiver. Pressing the MUTE key
alternates audio between mute and normal. Use the 4
key also to enter number 4 when numeric entry is
(7) SCAN or Number 8 Key. Pressing the
SCAN key will access the scan mode. Use the 8 key
also to enter the number 8 when numeric entry is
(8) Data Transfer Port. The data transfer
port allows uploading and downloading c hannel
programming from a personal computer using remote
programmer software. The data transfer port also
allows crossfilling channel programming from one
C-5000 control-display unit to another.
(9) Cursor Movement Knob (Outer Knob).
Turning the cursor movement knob moves the cursor
to the desired position.
(10) Cursor Field Value Knob and Enter
Button. Turning the cursor field value knob changes
the value in the cursor field. Pressing the knob enters
(11) Number Keypad Activation Or # Sign
Key. Pressing the NUM key activates the numeric
keypad for channel or frequency selection. Use the #
key also to enter a number sign when required.
(12) TEST or Number 7 Key. Pressing the
TEST key will manually disable the squelch circuit on
the active transceiver and will display the transmit
frequency if the appropriate page is displayed.
Releasing the key will return the transceiver to normal
squelch operation. Pressing this key (breaking
squelch) facilitates setting receiver volume. Use the 7
key also to enter the number 7 when numeric entry is
(13) Special Function or 0 Key. Pressing the
Special Function (SF) key brings up the special
function display (not implemented). Use the 0 key also
to enter the number 0 when numeric entry is required.
(14) PLAY or Number 6 Key. Pressing the
PLAY key will initiate audio playback of recorded
audio on selected transceiver. Use the 6 key to enter
the number 6 when numeric entry is required.
(15) Private or Number 9 Key. Pressing the
PVT key selects the voice encryption function. Use
the 9 key also to enter the number 9 when numeric
entry is required.
(16) Clear Or Asterisk (*) Key. Pressing the
CLR key exits an operation. Use the * key also to
enter an asterisk when required.
(17) Active Transceiver Volume Control Knob
or OnlOff Switch. The active transceiver volume
control knob (inner knob) adjusts the volume of the
received audio from the active transceiver when
turned. Pressing the control knob turns the system on
and off.
(18) Monitored Transceiver Volume Control.
Turning the monitored transceiver volume control knob
(outer knob) adjusts the volume of the monitored
transceiver system.