TM 1-1510-225-10
Exterior lighting consists of navigation lights, two
strobe beacons, three white strobe lights, two
recognition lights, two ice lights, two tail floodlights,
and an entry light. Refer to Figure 2-32 for details and
a. Navigation Lights. One navigation light is
located on the aft end of the aft portion of the vertical
stabilizer and one standard navigation light on the
outside of each wing tip. The navigation lights are
controlled by, and the circuit is protected by, a
5-ampere circuit breaker switch, placarded NAV,
located on the pilot's subpanel.
b. Strobe Beacons. One strobe beacon is
installed on the underside of the fuselage, and another
is installed on top of the horizontal stabilizer. These
lights are cont rolled by, and a 10-ampere circuit-
breaker switch, placarded BEACON, located on the
pilot's subpanel protects their circuits.
c. Strobe Lights. One white strobe light is
installed on each wing tip and one is installed on the
tail. A 5-ampere circuit-breaker switch, placarded
STROBE, located on the pilot's subpanel controls
these lights and protects their circuits.
Landing lights are not automatically turned
off when the landing gear is retracted.
d. Landing Lights. Dual landing lights are
mounted on the nose gear assembly. The lights are
controlled by, and the circuits are protected by, two
the pilot's subpanel. A green advisory light, placarded
LDG / TAXI LIGHT, located on the aircraft annunciator
panel, indicates illumination of the landing lights.
The taxi light is not automatically turned
off when the landing gear is retracted.
e. Taxi Light. A single taxi light is mounted on
the nose gear assembly. The taxi light is controlled
by, and the circuit is protected by, a 15-ampere circuit-
breaker switch, placarded TAXI, located on the pilot's
subpanel. A green advisory light, placarded LDG /
TAXI LIGHT, located on the aircraft annunciator panel
indicates the illumination of the taxi light.
f. Ice Lights. The ice lights are controlled by,
and the circuit is protected by, a 5-ampere circuit-
breaker switch, placarded ICE, on the pilot's subpanel.
g. Recognition Lights. A white recognition
light is mounted in the leading edge of each wing tip.
The recognition lights are controlled by, and the circuit
is protected by, a 7-1/2-ampere circuit-breaker switch,
placarded RECOG, located on the pilot's subpanel.
h. Tail Floodlights R . A white tail floodlight is
mounted on the outboard underside of each horizontal
stabilizer to illuminate each side of the vertical
stabilizer. The tail floodlights are controlled by, and
the circuit is protected by, a 7-1/2-ampere circuit-
breaker switch placarded TAIL FLOOD, located on the
pilot's subpanel.
i. Entry Light. A flush-mounted floodlight,
located forward of the flap on the bottom surface of the
left wing, provides illumination of the ramp area around
the airstair door. The threshold light switch that is
located just inside the cabin door on the forward
doorframe controls the entry light. The entry light will
extinguish automatically when the cabin door is
a. Cockpit Lighting.
(1) Master Panel Lights Switch. A switch
located on the overhead control panel controls cockpit
lighting. Refer to Figure 2-31 for interior lighting
switches and locations.
(2) Overhead Flood Lights. Two overhead
floodlights are installed in the cockpit to provide overall
illumination of the entire cockpit area. The lights are
controlled by a rheostat switch placarded OVERHEAD
FLOODLIGHTS BRT / OFF, located on the overhead
control panel. The overhead floodlights circuit is
protected by a 7-1/2-ampere circuit breaker placarded
SUB PNL, OVHD & CONSOLE located on the right
sidewall circuit breaker panel.
(3) Instrument Indirect Lights. Lights in the
glareshield provide indirect lighting to the instrument
panel. The instrument indirect lights are controlled by
a rheostat switch placarded INSTRUMENT INDIRECT
LIGHTS, BRT / OFF, located on the overhead control
panel. The instrument indirect light circuit is protected
by a 5 -ampere circuit breaker placarded INSTR
INDIRECT, located on the right sidewall circuit breaker