TM 1-1510-224-CLFLIGHT CONTROL MALFUNCTIONSAUTOPILOT EMERGENCY DISCONNECTION1.Pressing the AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch.2.Pressing the APENGAGE pushbutton on the autopilotcontroller.3.Pressing the GO-AROUND switch (yaw damper willremain on).4.Pulling the AP CONTR and AFCS DIRECT circuitbreakers.5.Setting AVIONICS MASTER POWER switch to the off(aft) position.6.Setting aircraft MASTER SWITCH to the OFF position.7.Setting the AUTO PLT power switch to off position.YAW DAMP EMERGENCY DISCONNECTION1.Pressing the AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch.2.Pressing the AP ENGAGE pushbutton on the autopilotcontroller.3.Setting the RUDDER BOOST/YAW CONTROL TESTswitch to the YAW CONTROL TEST position.4.Pulling the AP CONTRcircuit breaker.5.Pulling the RUDDER BOOSTcircuit breaker.6.Setting AVIONICS MASTER POWER switch to the off(aft) position.7.Setting aircraft MASTER switch to the OFF position.8.Setting the AUTO PLT power switch to off.UNSCHEDULED RUDDER BOOST ACTIVATION1.AP & YD/TRIM DISCswitch - Disconnect and hold (holdto first level).(2.) RUDDER BOOST switch - OFF.3.RUDDER BOOSTcircuit breaker - Pull (provided thatrudder boost does not deactivate).4.AP & YD/TRIM DISCswitch - Release.(5.) Yaw damper - Reengage (if RUDDER BOOST circuitbreaker is not pulled).E-12
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