TM 1-1510-223-10
Change 3 3-47
current vertical speed or to allow a new vertical speed to
be selected with either the autopilot pitch wheel or by us-
ing the touch control steering switch on the control wheel.
When operating in the VS mode the ON placard located
on the face of the switch will be illuminated and the target
vertical speed will be displayed on the EADI.
(9) Altitude preselect mode switch-indicator. De-
pressing the altitude preselect mode switch-indicator,
placarded ALT SEL, will command the flight control com-
puter to arm and capture and maintain the altitude dis-
played on the altitude preselector (fig. 3-23). When
operating in the ALT SEL mode the ARM or CAP indica-
tors located on the switch face will be illuminated as
(10) Altitude hold mode switch-indicator. Depress-
ing the altitude hold mode switch-indicator, placarded
ALT, commands the flight control computer to hold the
current altitude, and will illuminate the ON indicator lo-
cated on the face of the switch. Capturing the altitude
displayed on the altitude preselector will also cause the
system to maintain that altitude.
Control-Wheel Mounted Autopilot Disconnection
Switches. A bi-level autopilot/electric trim/yaw damper
disconnect switch, placarded DISC - AP & YD - TRIM, is
mounted on each control wheel (fig. 2-22). Depressing
the switch to the first level will disconnect the autopilot
and the yaw damper. Depressing the switch to the sec-
ond level will also disconnect the electric elevator trim.
Touch Control Steering (TCS). A control-wheel
mounted touch control steering switch (fig. 2-22), plac-
arded TCS, allows the pilot to manually change aircraft
attitude, altitude, vertical speed, or airspeed without dis-
engaging the autopilot. The TCS switch is held de-
pressed while the aircraft is maneuvered to the new
attitude, altitude, vertical speed, or airspeed. When the
switch is released, the autopilot will automatically syn-
chronize to the vertical mode. If an air data mode (IAS or
VS) was selected, the selected value will be synchro-
nized to the current value when the switch is released.
k. Go-Around Switch. A pushbutton switch located
on the left power lever (fig. 2-12), placarded GO
AROUND, activates the flight control system go-around
mode when depressed. Go-around mode will disengage
the autopilot, command a wings-level 7 degree nose-up
attitude, and engage the yaw damper.
Rudder Boost/Yaw Control Test Switch. A three-
position toggle switch located on the pedestal extension
(fig. 2-13), placarded RUDDER BOOST - OFF - YAW
CONTROL TEST, arms the rudder boost system and is
used to test for correct operation of the stability aug-
mentation computer.
m. Autopilot EFIS Select Switch. A pushbutton
switch-indicator located above the pilots EADI, plac-
arded AP EFIS 1 and AP EFIS 2, selects which sides
symbol generator will provide inputs to the flight control
n. Symbol Generator Reversionary Switch.
Placing the pilot and co-pilot reversionary
switches to the REV position on the SYM GEN
switch will cause the blanking of all four EFIS
display screens.
A symbol generator reversionary toggle switch (fig.
2-16), placarded SYM GEN, REV - NORMAL, is located
on the left and right sides of the instrument panel. In the
event of a known or suspected symbol generator failure,
placing the symbol generator reversionary switch to the
REV position connects the corresponding EFIS system
to the cross-side symbol generator. In the reversionary
position, the opposite side symbol generator provides all
the information to both (all four) displays. Additionally, the
opposite display controller controls all of the display func-
If the SYM GEN reversionary switch is moved to
the REV position with the autopilot/flight director
selected to that side, the flight director modes
will disengage.
Table 3-6 shows which flight director modes are reset
by the EFIS when sources are changed.
Table 3-6. Flight Director Modes Reset when EFIS
Sources Change
Selection Action
FD Modes Reset
All modes
NOTE: When ATT is selected, the autopilot also disen-
When ATT is selected, the autopilot will disen-
o. Automatic Flight Control System - Check as fol-
1. MASTER SWITCH (overhead control panel,
fig. 2-13) - ON.
2. AVIONICS MASTER POWER switch (over-
head control panel, fig. 2-13) - ON or EXT
PWR as required.
3. #1 and #2 EFIS POWER switches (overhead
control panel, fig. 2-13) - ON.
4. AUTO PLT POWER switch (overhead control
panel, fig. 2-13) - ON.
switch (pedestal extension, fig. 2-12) - RUD-