TM 1-1510-223-10
Table 3-5. Digital Flight Control System Limits (Sheet 3 of 3)
Control or
ALT Preselect
Air Data Encoding
Preselect Capture Range
0 to 41,000 ft
Altimeter and Altitude Pre-
select Controller
Maximum Gravitation Force
During Capture Maneuver
± 0.20 g
Pitch Limit
± 20°
Pitch Rate Limit
f (TAS)
Rudder Boost
Engine Sensors, Air Data
Rudder Force
f(Engine torque differential)
Figure 3-21. Autopilot Controller
(6) Autopilot switch-indicator. Depressing the
autopilot (AP) switch-indicator will engage the autopilot
and yaw damper simultaneously, and will illuminate the
AP and YD ENGAGE indicators on the switch face. The
autopilot may be engaged with the aircraft in any
reasonable attitude. With no flight director modes
selected, the autopilot will roll the aircraft to a wings level
attitude upon engagement.
h. Flight Director Mode Selector (MS-207). The flight
director mode selector (fig. 3-22), provides all mode
selection except go-around, which is initiated by the go-
around switch located on the left power lever (fig. 2-12).
The flight director command bars on the EADI provide
integrated pitch and roll guidance to satisfy the selected
mode. The top row of illuminated switch-indicators
contains the lateral modes, and the bottom row contains
the vertical modes. The split light switch-indicators
illuminate amber for armed conditions and green for
captured conditions. Mode status is annunciated on both
EADIs. If more than one lateral or vertical mode is
selected, the flight director system automatically arms
and captures the submode.