TM 1-1520-218-10
If the FROM and/or TO waypoints are in the
active flight plan, their corresponding flight plan
waypoint numbers are displayed.
Figure 3C-116. Data Page Displayed Information
Table 3C-77. Data Page Displayed Information
ETE for displayed leg, direct segment, or
along flight plan.
ETA using current TAS and wind or
entered groundspeed.
Flight plan waypoint number.
LatitudeLongitude of TO waypoint.
FROMTO bearing/distance or distance
along flight plan.
If the FROM waypoint on the Data page is a
flight plan waypoint and a holding pattern or MFP is in
the flight plan at, or prior to that point, the ETA at the
TO waypoint assumes the aircraft will depart the
holding fix at the entered EFC time or depart the MFP
pattern fix at the ETD, if entered. Otherwise, no
holding or pattern "onstation" loiter time is included in
the ETA calculation.
When the FROM waypoint or PPSN DIRECT is
selected, then the bearing and great circle distance
between the FROM and TO waypoints are indicated
on data line 3. Refer to Figures 3C110 through
3C-115. When the PPSN VIA FPLN is selected, the
along flight plan distance to the TO waypoint is
indicated, Figure 3C114.
The ETE and ETA are indicated on data lines 3
and 4, respectively. When the FROM waypoint is
selected, the ETA is calculated from aircraft present
position to the FROM waypoint, and then direct to the
TO waypoint; and, the ETE is calculated between the
FROM and TO waypoints, Figures 3C-110, 3C-111,
and 3C112. When PPSN DIRECT is selected, the
ETE and ETA are calculated for a flight path directly
between aircraft present position and the TO waypoint,
Figures 3C-113 and 3C115. When PPSN VIA FPLN
is selected, the ETA and ETE are calculated along the
flight plan from present position, Figure 3C-114.
The ETA and ETE are calculated one of two
ways, depending on the TO waypoint. If the TO
waypoint is the active waypoint, direct to a future flight
plan waypoint (PPSN DIRECT), or a nonflight plan
waypoint, the current wind and TAS are used to
calculate the ETA and ETE. If the TO waypoint is a
future or history waypoint, the intervening leg winds
are used to calculate the ETA and ETE. When the
aircraft is not airborne, the groundspeed entered on
the Navigation Configuration page is used for ETA and
ETE calculations.
(2) Selection
To view the ICAO database
information for identifierreferenced waypoints, select
or enter the waypoint identifier or leg pair on the Data
page and press one of the ¬ or ® arrow function keys
to scroll to the corresponding Ident Data page for the
TO waypoint. Refer to Figure 3C-117 and Table
If the TO waypoint on the Data page selected leg
is an ICAO identifierreferenced waypoint (including
corresponding database information is presented. The
waypoint type, identifier, station frequency/ TACAN
channel (if applicable), and elevation MSL are
displayed. If the waypoint is a NAV aid with a station
declination, it is displayed as DCL. If the waypoint is
not a NAV aid with a station declination, the FMS800
computes the magnetic variation for that location and
displays MVAR.