TM 1-1520-218-10
Table 3C-73. Markpoint List and Waypoint
List Page Access and Usage Procedure
Mark waypoints regardless of which CDU
page is displayed.
Pressing EDIT function key will access
the Edit page.
Mark position recorded in the scratchpad
and in the markpoint list.
Scroll to the Flight Plan Edit 2 page.
To view markpoints, access the Markpoint
List page.
Mark position recorded in the markpoint
Mark time is recorded automatically.
Possible entries at the A line select key:
Press with a in scratchpad to delete the
Press with an empty scratchpad to copy
the point to the scratchpad.
Enter I with identifier name to name the
markpoint location and add it to the user
waypoint list.
Scroll vertically to view other markpoints.
(2) Markpoint List. To create a markpoint,
press the MARK function key when the desired
position is overflown. Pressing the MARK key will
indicate in the scratchpad the pilots present position
solution offset by any active cursor position as
displayed on the FDS and automatically adds the
position to the markpoint list on the Markpoint List
page. It assigns the markpoint a unique letter identifier
(A through J), and records the mark time. The
Markpoint List page does not need to be displayed to
use this function.
Once the markpoint is on the Markpoint List
page, it is treated like any other waypoint and can be
copied, inserted elsewhere, or deleted. The marked
position in the scratchpad can be inserted as a
waypoint or position. It can be cleared with the CLR
If 10 markpoints exist on the Markpoint List page
and another mark is performed, the new mark
overwrites the first (oldest) mark in the list. A
subsequent mark overwrites the second, and so on.
Manual position entries are not allowed on the
Markpoint List page. To store entered waypoints
manually, see the Waypoint List page.
(3) Waypoint List. The user waypoint list is a
list of up to 200 user-defined waypoint identifiers that
the user can predefine for use in the FMS. Once a
user waypoint is created, it can be recalled, copied,
and used like any identifier from the primary ICAO
database stored on the data cartridge. The user
waypoint list is maintained in non-volatile memory of
the CDU, so user-defined waypoints are maintained
through power cycles.
To create a user waypoint, access the User
Waypoint List page as shown in Figure 3C106 and
Table 3C-74. Select the NEW line select key to
access a blank waypoint definition. On the User
Waypoint page, give the new waypoint a name and a
location. The location can be a latitude/longitude,
another waypoint identifier, or bearing/distance offset
from an identifier. Select the waypoint type from the
following selections: FIX, VOR, VORTAC, TACAN,
NAV aid type is selected, enter the associated NAV
aid frequency and station declination. If desired, enter
the elevation of the user waypoint. When all elements
have been completed, RTN will switch to ADD and the
new user waypoint can be inserted into the user
waypoint list. If a user waypoint already exists with the
same name, a prompt will appear to confirm
overwriting the old waypoint definition. To prevent an
overwrite, press CLR or confirm to overwrite.
To use the new user waypoint, recall the
waypoint by name on the Flight Plan page, or any
other FMS page that uses ICAO identifier waypoints,
or copy the waypoint from the User Waypoint List
page. The User Waypoint List page includes a search
utility to help find a desired waypoint or to scroll
through the list to view waypoints in alphabetical order.
To modify or review the definition of a user
waypoint, access the User Waypoint List page and
select the right line select adjacent to the waypoint to
be modified. Modify the user waypoint definition on
the User Waypoint page and reinsert the new waypoint
when complete.
To delete a user waypoint, access the User
Waypoint List page, enter a in the scratchpad, and
press the left line select key adjacent to the user
waypoint to be deleted. When 200 user waypoints
have been defined in the list, the FMS will prevent any
more additional waypoint entries. To add more user
waypoints, current user waypoints must first be