TM 1-1510-218-10
To attach an MFP to an already existing flight
plan waypoint, define the MFP but leave line 1 blank
on the MFP page. Press line select key FPLN INSR to
access the Flight Plan page with the message,
ATTACH XXX AT?, displayed in the scratchpad.
Where XXX is FG8, RTK, CIR, or CRP depending on
which type of MFP was defined. After the flight plan is
scrolled to the desired location, press the line select
key adjacent to the pattern fix.
A P is displayed to the right of the designated
waypoint as a reminder that it has been designated as
the pattern fix.
Once an MFP has been inserted into the flight
plan, the MFP parameters can be viewed and
modified, with the exception of the pattern fix, by
pressing the line select key adjacent to the associated
P symbol on the Flight Plan page. Pressing this key
once will access the associated Flight Plan Waypoint
page and a second time will access the MFP Waypoint
(6) MFP Pattern Course Edits. The pattern
course is entered by two different methods. In either
case, the course can be modified.
1. Defaulting to the current inbound
course to the fix.
2. The crew enters the desired course
via the scratchpad.
(7) MFP Activation and Execution. When the
pattern fix is passed for the first time, pattern guidance
computations are activated. At this time, four changes
occur in both the flight plan operation and page
1. Automatic leg advance is suspended.
2. Course edits on the Flight Plan page
may no longer be made. Inbound
pattern course edits may be made on
the MFP Waypoint page, which is
accessed through the Flight Plan
Waypoint page.
3. When on the inbound leg, all displays
will reference the computed inbound
course, not necessarily the inbound
course displayed on the MFP page.
Computed inbound course for figure
eight patterns is significantly different
than displayed inbound course.
4. When o n the outbound leg, the
displays will reference the computed
outbound course.
If any MFP definition parameters are changed
while in the pattern, the changes are applied after the
aircraft passes the pattern fix (transition from TO to
FROM), except for the pattern length and width, which
take effect immediately if on the outbound leg.
When pattern guidance has been activated, all
course and lateral deviation displays now reference
the computed inbound or outbound course of the
pattern. The 10-second turn alert will be computed on
the outbound leg to alert the crew of the upcoming turn
to the inbound leg.
(8) CRP Definition and Execution. CRP's are
defined by entering points (i.e., identifiers, latitude
longitude positions, etc.) on the CRP MFP pages 1
through 3. Up to nine waypoints (in addition to the fix
point, which is optional) may be specified. To specify
the MFP fix on the CRP MFP pages, enter the position
at the FIX line on CRP MFP page 1.
CRP's will only be executed upon arrival at the
CRP fix if AUTO or FLYOVER sequence mode is
selected. If MAN sequence mode is selected, the fix is
overflown. To insert the pattern, toggle the sequence
mode to AUTO or FLYOVER.
Once the CRP is being executed, guidance is
provided to each point in the CRP as if they were flight
plan waypoints. An * is displayed adjacent to the CRP
waypoint number of the current TO waypoint, which is
on the associated CRP MFP page.
To fly directly to any CRP pattern point, press
DIR. Instead of selecting the line selects on the left-
hand side of the Flight Plan page, select the P attribute
of the CRP fix waypoint on the right -hand line select.
This action will access the CRP Patterns page and
allow selection of the CRP point for directto flight.
(9) Maximum Bank Angle. When an MFP is
inserted in the flight plan, the FMS800 computes and
displays the maximum bank angle allowing for proper
execution of the pattern based on pattern width and
aircraft speed, if airborne. The maximum bank is
displayed on line 4 of the MFP Waypoint page.
(10) Estimated Time of Departure. The
Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) entry permits
future waypoint ETAs to be more realistically
calculated. If an ETD is entered (in UTC), then all
future waypoint ETAs are calculated from that pattern
fix departure reference. If no ETD is entered or it is