TM 1-1510-218-10
Display values of course and desired track are shown for examples only.
Figure 3C-62. CDU Course Display and HSI Course (CDU Desired Track) Display
1. Course Readout
2. Range Scale Arc
3. Distance
4. Active Flight Plan Leg
5. Course Bearing/Range Readout
6. Aircraft Symbol
7. Waypoint Symbol
8. Interconnecting Track Lines
9. Distance Display
Figure 3C-63. EHSI Map Mode Display
(a) Activation of FMS Heading Mode.
When commencing a published GPS approach, if ATC
gives instructions to follow radar vectors to intercept
the final approach course, select DIRECT TO the FAF.
The message FINAL CRS XXX will appear in the
CDU scratchpad. Select line key L1 on the CDU to
insert that final approach course extension as the
currently displayed FMS course. Press the HDG knob
on the FDS control panel to activate the FMS heading
mode, and select the desired heading to intercept the
final approach course. The FMS roll command will
guide the aircraft to acquire and hold the displayed
heading and any subsequent desired heading entered
by the pilot on the FDS control panel. The FMS
heading mode will continue to guide to the FDS
selected heading as long as the heading is steering
away from the flight plan course. When the selected
heading is steering towards the flight plan course, the
FMS heading mode will automatically cease when the
course can be captured by normal FMS lateral
(b) Termination of FMS Heading Mode.
With no further action on the part of the pilot, the FMS
will automatically drop the FMS heading mode and
recapture the final approach course when the final
course is intercepted, without overshoot. To manually
terminate the FMS heading mode, select DIRECT / TO