TM 1-1510-218-10
(f) Waypoints with Duplicate Identifiers.
If a waypoint identifier is entered which is duplicated in
another area of the world, the Select Waypoint page is
automatically accessed and displays the data for up to
20 waypoints having that identifier. Refer to Figure
3C-37 and Table 3C-28. If more than two do exist, the
pages can be scrolled for viewing. Up to 19 duplicate
identifiers will be searched from the primary ICAO
database on the cartridge. One duplicate identifier will
be searched from the User Waypoint list. The
identifiers are ordered from closest to present position
to furthest from present position when the navigation
solution is valid. Select the desired waypoint by
pressing its adjacent line key and the CDU will
immediately return to the original page with the
waypoint inserted in the desired location. A frequency
or station channel will only be displayed if the waypoint
identifier is associated with a navigation radio beacon.
Possible types of waypoints include VOR, V/T (for
N/D (for NDB-DME), FIX, APT (for Airport), and DME.
Figure 3C-37. Waypoints With Duplicate Identifiers
Table 3C-28. Waypoints With Duplicate
Identifier Procedure (Continued)
NAV aid Frequency or channel (if an
Signifies that the displayed waypoints
are numbers 13-14 of a total of 17.
Line Select Keys 1 and 3 enter the
adjacent waypoint into the originating
Selects the waypoint and enters it on
the originating page.
Table 3C-28. Waypoints With Duplicate
Identifier Procedure (Continued)
Waypoints latitude and longitude.
Waypoint ID, country code and type.
The title line displays the number range of the
displayed duplicate identifiers (i.e., 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc.)
and the total number of duplicate identifiers for the
entered waypoint. The scratchpad retains the original
waypoint identifier entry until a duplicate waypoint
identifier has been selected.
The information line will display SEARCH IN
PROGRESS when a search for duplicates is being
conducted. If a search is interrupted, SEARCH
FAILED will be displayed. An interruption of a search
can be caused by removal of the cartridge, a data
receptacle failure, or bus controller swap.
A listing of the country codes is provided in
Table 3C-29. This list is not meant to be
comprehensive or current, because the country
identifiers change frequently. Refer to ICAO
Document No. 7910, Location Indicators, for a current
listing. The country code ** is used for user-defined
(g) Flight
Indicators. The right side of the FPLN page shows
any special attributes that have been assigned to
waypoints in the flight plan. These provide a quick
reference for the pilot and are also indicated on the
individual FPLN WPT pages where selection of the
adjacent line key provides instant access to the
respective pattern or other defined function. These
attributes may be deleted by entering a in the
scratchpad and selecting the line key next to the
attribute to be deleted. This feature enables the crew
to delete maneuvers without leaving the FPLN page.
If more than one attribute is displayed, the right-most
attribute will be deleted first (e.g., if VH is displayed,
the H will be deleted first). Table 3C-30 lists the
attribute designators and their meanings.
Up to three attributes can be assigned to each
waypoint. Attribute hierarchy and possible attribute
combinations are shown in Table 3C-31. Attributes
within each column of the table cannot be assigned to
the same waypoint.