TM 1-1510-218-10
When the MAP becomes the active waypoint,
sequence mode is switched to MAN. On the TO
side of the MAP, pilot selection of AUTO sequencing
is inhibited and AUTO can be selected on the FROM
side of the MAP. A Direct-To any waypoint other
than the MAP will switch sequencing back to AUTO.
FLYOVER to AUTO sequencing for procedure
execution when the first SID, STAR, or APPROACH
waypoint becomes the active waypoint or the aircraft
enters the TERMINAL area. If a SID, STAR, or
APPROACH point is specifically identified as a
flyover waypoint in the database procedure, the
FMS will sequence the waypoint in flyover mode but
remain in AUTO sequence mode on the Flight Plan
page. The pilot may override the automatic
sequence mode selections, except when the MAP is
the active waypoint.
(5) Lateral To-To Course Transitions with
Automatic Sequencing, Manual Sequencing, and
Course Selection.
(a) Manual Sequence Mode. When
manual sequencing is selected, the flight plan does
not advance to the next leg automatically. The flight
plan only sequences when the crew selects AUTO;
selects FLYOVER sequence mode on the Flight
Plan page; or performs a Direct-To any other
waypoint. The course from the active waypoint is
based on the computed course at the active
waypoint or a crew-entered course on the Flight
Plan page. Prior to passing over the active waypoint,
a waypoint alert indication will occur at the time to go
specified on the Navigation Configuration page. At
10 seconds prior to the waypoint, the waypoint
number on the Flight Plan page and the ¯ to ¯
indicator on the Lateral Steer page will flash for
10 seconds. As the waypoint is passed, the WPT
PASSED annunciation will be displayed on the
annunciation line and a FROM indication will be
displayed on the title line of the Flight Plan and
Lateral Steer pages. The FMS will continue to
provide guidance to the outbound FROM course
from the active waypoint.
To fly on a desired outbound course, perform the
following steps.
1. Select MAN sequence mode on the
Flight Plan page.
2. Select (via a Direct-To) or enter the
desired active waypoint data.
3. Enter the desired course.
By selecting MAN, the new active waypoint is
prevented from sequencing when it is inserted into the
flight plan or the new desired course is entered. A new
inbound course may also be manually entered when the
sequencing mode is AUTO or FLYOVER, but entry is
limited to 90° of the computed inbound course. If the
aircraft is on the TO side of the waypoint after
completing these steps, the aircraft must fly to that
waypoint before it can fly the outbound (FROM) course
as selected. If the aircraft is on the FROM side of the
waypoint, the FMS will immediately initiate guidance to
the desired outbound course and the TO indication will
change to a FROM indication. Refer to Figure 3C-39 for
an example of execution of manual sequencing and
course edits.
(b) TACAN Emulation. Since the FMS
provides the capability to fly a selected course TO or
FROM the active waypoint (TO-FROM navigation), it can
be used to perform emulation of TACAN navigation. The
crew can enter, display, and fly the courses printed on
the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). En Route Low and
High Altitude aeronautical charts for published airways
or courses associated with VORs, VORTACs, VOR-
DMEs, or TACANs. Refer to Figure 3C-40 and Table
3C-32 for a description of configuring the FMS for
TACAN emulation. The steps to configure for TACAN
emulation are the same as for manual sequencing and
course edits, except that the new active waypoint must
be the ICAO identifier for a VOR, VORTAC, VOR-DME,
or TACAN. The FMS will provide guidance to the flight
instruments, as it appears published on the aeronautical
charts. If a DME arc is to be flown, the CDU Lateral
Steering page continues to show the bearing and
distance to the station (waypoint) as the arc is flown.
Distance on the Lateral Steer page is always direct
distance to the waypoint, not a path distance.