TM 55-6670-200-14&P
e. With weight of fuel known, proceed to
h. Enter values for basic weight and center
correct basic weight of aircraft. First, obtain cor-
of gravity on applicable chart of Weight and Bal-
rect fuel moment arm. No exact data is available
ante data.
for aircraft that have a moment arm varying with
With completion of weighing operations,
quantity of fuel. Arm may be determined by re-
turn off all switches, disconnect cables, and re-
ferring to Weight and Balance data in TM 55-1500-342
place all components in their proper place in
-23. To compute moment arm, divide moment by
weight of fuel quantity. Multiply fuel weight pre-
viously determined by arm to obtain the fuel mo-
ment. Constant fuel arms (those which do not
Prolonged contact between the slide
vary with a fuel quantity) are shown in Weight and
wire and the slide wire arm may result
Balance data on aircraft involved.
in flat spots, pitting, and discontinuity
f. Determine moments of all equipment not
shown on basic weight breakdown schedule.
wire. Position the slide wire dial so the
arm rests on the inactive portion of the
g. Proceed as outlined in Weight and Bal-
slide wire when the scales are not in
ante data in TM 55-1500-342-23 determine the dis-
use. This may be accomplished by rota-
tance of center of gravity of aircraft from refer-
t i n g the WEIGHT knob in a coun-
ence datum.
terclockwise direction until it rests
against the mechanical stop.
2-3/(2-4 Blank)