TM 55-4920-414-13&P
Figure 4-6. Pilot Assist Hydraulic Module Assembly Removal and Replacement
c. Coat new seals and coupling threads with hy-
draulic fluid (item 3, App D), before installing.
To keep dirt for Test Fixture manifold,
d. Install large self-seal coupling and seal in Test
have replacement self-seal coupling ready
Fixture manifold. Torque to 285-315 inch-pounds.
for immediate installation. Make sure
area around coupling is clean.
e. Install small self-seal coupling and seal in Test
Fixture manifold. Torque to 142-157 inch-pounds.
a. Use clean, low-lint cloth (item 4, App D), to clean
installed couplings and manifold. Flush with Clean All
f. Install Pilot Assist Hydraulic
D (item 5, App D).
Fixture manifold (paragraph 4-17 ).
Module in Test
b. Remove self-seal coupling and seal from Test
Fixture manifold, Figure 4-8.