TM 55-4920-401-13&P
T a b l e 1 - 7 . N O R G a t e T r u t h T a b le
Figure 1-35. Dual D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop.
9. Dual D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-
Flop (SN5474). This flip-flop (fig. 1-35) has direct
clear and preset inputs and complementary Q and Q
outputs. Input information is transferred to the out-
puts on the positive edge of the clock pulse. Clock
triggering occurs at a voltage level of the clock
pulse and is not directly related to the transition
time of the positive-going pulse. A low input to clear
sets Q to logic 0. A low input to preset sets Q to logic
1. Clear and preset inputs dominate regardless of
clock and D inputs. Table 1-8 summarizes the input-
output relationships.
10. Dual J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop
with Preset and Clear (SN5476). The J-K flip-
flop (fig. 1-36) is based on the master-slave prin-
ciple. Inputs to the master section are controlled by
the clock pulse (fig. 1-37). The clock pulse also regu-
lates the - state of the coupling transistors which
connect the master and slave sections. The sequence
of operation is as follows:
1. Isolate slave from master.
2. Enter information from J and K in-
puts to master.
3. Disable J and K inputs.
4. Transfer information from master
to slave.
Clear and preset are independent of the clock. A low
input to preset sets Q to logic 1. A low input to clear
sets Q to-logic 0. Input-output relationships of each
flip-flop are summarized in table 1-9.