TM 55-1680-316-10
To operate the AN/UPC-68 pull the antenna all the way
out. Turn the ON/ OFF/VOLUME control on and adjust volume as
desired. The AN/ URC-68 has 4 preset channels within the
frequency-modulation (FM) VHF band of 28 to 42 MHZ and 4
preset channels within the amplitude modulation (AM) UHF band of
230 to 250 MHZ, totaling 8 preset channels.
The AN/PRC-90 is a dual channel transreceiver
operating on 243 OHMZ and 282.8 MHZ (NATO SINGLE
SEARCH). It can transmit a beacon tone over 85 miles and voice
contact approximately 10 miles (estimates based on a line-of-sight
operation). The trans-receiver is equipped with a volume control,
an earphone for noiseless reception, and a sidetone monitor to
confirm beacon or MCW transmission.
Do not point the antenna of any survival radio in the
direction of rescue aircraft. Signals radiate from
around the antenna and there is a cone of silence in
the direction the antenna is pointing.