TM 55-1680-316-10
2-47. SHEATHED KNIFE (Figure 2-4; item 5)
The sheathed hunting knife is made of steel and has a 5-inch blade
and a leather handle. All metal surfaces, except for the cutting
edge, are coated with a noncorrosive, nonreflective material to
prevent rust and reflection. The knife is made more versatile by a
21/2-inch sawtoothed edge on the reverse side of the blade. A
leather sheath with a belt loop and a snap on the handle strap is
provided with the knife. The sheath is equipped with a sharpening
stone and a length of nylon line for securing the sheath to the
wearer's leg. The knife can be used for killing and cleaning game,
or for self-defense.
(Figure 2-4; item 6)
The MS-1 hook blade knife is intended for cutting parachute
suspension lines if, after landing in water, line entanglement should
occur. It can also be used to cut roots, to strip bark from small
branches, and to cut canopy material. The switchblade portion can
be used as would a regular pocket knife.