TM 55-1680-316-10
To operate the AN/PRC-90 extend the antenna, rotate
the function switch to 243.0 VOlCE/MCW, hold the radio as you
would a telephone, and depress the talk button to transmit. Speak
in a normal tone of voice to avoid distortion. Release the push-to-
talk button to receive. For MCW transmission, depress the MCW
switch, located on top of the radio, to transmit morse code. For
beacon operation, rotate the function to 243.0 BCN mode. In this
mode an automatic, continuous distress signal is broad cast. The
receive function switch is disabled while operating in the BCN
mode. Manually reselect VOICE/MCW and monitor for rescue
personnel. Alternate between BCN and VOlCE/MCW until contact
is established with another aircraft or rescue personnel.
2-53(2-54 blank)