TM 55-1510-222-10
To set minutes, press the RST button again, then press
and hold the ADV button until the correct minute is
displayed. Press the SET button once to display and
hold the selected time. Press the ST SP button to
resume clock operation and/or synchronize the display
with a selected time standard.
Zulu or Greenwich Mean Time Mode (ZU).
Press the MODE button to advance the annunciator to
ZU and set time as for local time shown above. Minutes
and seconds do not need to be reset if local time is
correctly set. Press the RST button to display
minutes/seconds, then press again to activate the
complete display.
When changing time zones, the hour may be
changed as above. It is not necessary to change the
minutes/seconds. Press the RST button twice to return
to the full time display.
Trip/Flight Timer Mode (FT). Press the
MODE button to advance the annunciator to FT. Press
the ST SP button and verify that the display shows zero.
The timer will activate at takeoff and stop at touchdown.
To prevent an accidental reset of flight time, the clock
cannot be manually reset during flight.
Elapsed Time Mode (ET). Press the MODE
button to advance the annunciator to ET. Press the RST
button to set the time display to zero. Press the ST-SP
button one time. To stop the counting, press the ST SP
button a second time. Ending time will be displayed
until the RST button is pressed to clear the display. The
clock may be used in other modes and the elapsed time
display will remain until cleared by pressing the RST
button. If the timer is counting when the RST button is
pressed, the display will reset to zero and the count will
begin again from zero.
Downcounter Mode (DC). Press the MODE
button to advance the annunciator to DC. Press the SET
button twice to reset the hour display to zero. Press and
hold the ADV button until the desired hour is displayed.
Press the SET button, again, to reset the minute display
to zero. Press and hold the ADV button until the desired
minute is displayed. Press the SET button, again, to
reset the seconds display to zero. Press and hold the
ADV button until the desired second is displayed. Press
the SET button, again, to arm the counter. Press the ST
SP button to begin countdown. When the countdown
reaches zero, the display will flash for approximately
one minute and then reset. The countdown may also be
reset at any time by pressing the ST SP button.
2-88. GENERAL.
The following paragraphs include the procedures
necessary to service the aircraft except lubrication. The
lubrication requirements of the aircraft are covered in
the aircraft maintenance manual. Tables 2-9, 2-10, 2-11
and 2-12 are used for identification of fuel, oil, etc. used
to service the aircraft. The servicing instructions
provide procedures and precautions necessary to
service the aircraft.
Table 2-2, Fuel Quantity Data, lists the quantity
and capacity of fuel tanks in the aircraft. Service the
fuel tanks after each flight to keep moisture out of the
tanks and to keep the bladder type cells from drying out.
Observe the following precautions: WARNING
During warm weather, open fuel caps
slowly to prevent being sprayed with
Care should be taken to prevent cuts
or abrasions while inspecting the
exhaust or turbine area of engines that
gasoline. The exhaust deposits can
cause lead poisoning.
aircraft fuels cannot be over stressed.
Clean, fresh fuel shall be used and the
entrance of water into the fuel storage
or aircraft fuel system must be kept to
a minimum.