TM 55-1510-221-10
Both manual and automatic propeller feathering
systems are provided. Manual feathering is accom-
plished by pulling the corresponding propeller lever
aft past a friction detent. To unfeather, the propeller
lever is pushed forward into the governing range. An
automatic feathering system, will sense loss of
torque and will feather an unpowered propeller.
Feathering springs will feather the propeller when it
is not turning.
a. Automatic Feathering. The automatic
feathering system provides a means of immediately
dumping oil from the propeller servo to enable the
feathering spring and counterweights to start feath-
ering action of the blades in the event of an engine
failure. Although the system is armed by a switch on
the overhead control panel, placarded AUTOFEA-
THER - ARM - OFF - TEST, the completion of the
arming phase occurs when both power levers are
advanced above 90% N1 - at which time both indica-
tor lights on the caution/advisory annunciator panel
indicate a fully armed system. The annunciator
panel lights are green and are placarded No.1
AUTOFEATHER (right engine). The system will
remain inoperative as long as either power lever is
retarded below 90% N1 position, unless TEST posi-
tion of the AUTOFEATHER SWITCH is selected to
disable the power lever limit switches. The system is
designed for use only during takeoff and landing and
should be turned off when establishing cruise climb.
During takeoff or landing, should the torque for
either engine drop to an indication between 16 -
21%, the autofeather system for the opposite engine
will be disarmed. Disarming is confirmed when the
annunciator light of the opposite engine becomes
extinguished. If torque drops further, to a reading
between 9 and 14%, oil is dumped from the servo of
the affected propeller allowing a feathering spring to
move the blades into the feathered position. Feath-
ering also causes the No.1 AUTOFEATHER or
No.2 AUTOFEATHER annunciator light of the
feathered propeller to extinguish. At this time, both
THER lights are extinguished, the propeller of the
defective engine has feathered, and the propeller of
the operative engine has been disarmed from the
autofeathering capability. Only manual feathering
control remains for the second propeller.
b. Propeller Autofeather Switch. Autofeather-
ing is controlled by an AUTOFEATHER switch on
the overhead control panel (fig. 2-12). The three-
position switch is placarded ARM, OFF and TEST,
and is spring loaded from TEST to OFF. The ARM
position is used only during takeoff and landing.
The TEST position of the switch, enables the pilot
to check readiness of the autofeather systems, below
88% to 92% Nl , and is for ground checkout purposes
Autofeather Lights. Two green lights on the
caution/advisory annunciator panel are placarded
No.2. When illuminated, the lights indicate that the
autofeather system is armed. Both lights will be
extinguished if either propeller has been autofea-
thered or if the system is disarmed by retarding a
power lever. Autofeather circuits are protected by
one 5-ampere circuit breaker placarded AUTO
FEATHER, located on the overhead circuit breaker
panel (fig. 2-26).
Two governors, a constant speed governor, and
an overspeed governor, control propeller RPM. The
constant speed governor, mounted on top of the
reduction housing, controls the propeller through its
entire range. The propeller control lever operates the
propeller by means of this governor. If the constant
speed governor should malfunction and request
more than 2000 RPM, the overspeed governor cuts
in at 2080 RPM and dumps oil from the propeller
to keep the RPM from exceeding approximately
2080 RPM. A solenoid, actuated by the PROP GOV
TEST switch located on the overhead control panel
(fig. 2-12), is provided for resetting the overspeed
governor to approximately 1830 to 1910 RPM for
test purposes. If the propeller sticks or moves too
slowly during a transient condition causing the pro-
peller governor to act too slowly to prevent an over-
speed condition, the power turbine governor, con-
tained within the constant speed governor housing,
acts as a fuel topping governor. When the propeller
reaches 106% of N2 RPM, the fuel topping governor
limits the fuel flow to the gas generator, reducing N1
RPM, which in turn prevents the propeller RPM
from exceeding approximately 2120 RPM. During
operation in the reverse range, the power turbine
governor is reset to approximately 95% of propeller
RPM before the propeller reaches a negative pitch
angle. This insures that the engine power is limited
to maintain a propeller RPM of somewhat less than
that of the constant speed governor setting. The
constant speed governor therefore, will always sense
an underspeed condition and direct oil pressure to
the propeller servo piston to permit propeller opera-
tion in beta and reverse ranges.
Two two-position switches on the overhead con-
trol panel (fig. 2-12), are provided for operational
testing of the propeller systems. Placarding above