TM 55-1510-221-10
Pause a few seconds between each step to
allow time for the proper indications.
Set alert controller more than 1000
feet above altitude indicated on
pilots altimeter. The pilots altimeter
alert light should be extinguished.
Decrease the alert controller to
within 1000 feet of the pilots
altimeter setting. The alert light
should illuminate.
Decrease the controller to less than
250 feet above the pilots altimeter
setting. The alert light should
Increase the controller to 300 ±50
feet above the pilots altimeter
indication and check that the alert
light illuminates.
Set the desired altitude.
b. Autopilot.
(1) Autopilot controller UP TRIM, DN
TRIM annunciators - CHECK not
A steady illumination of UP TRIM or DN
TRIM annunciator indicates that the automatic
synchronization is not functioning and the
autopilot should not be engaged.
Turn knob - Center.
Elevator trim control switch - ON.
Control wheel - Hold to mid travel.
AP button - Press. AP ENGAGE and
YD ENGAGE annunciators on.
(6) Deleted.
(a) Deleted.
(b) Deleted.
Elevator trim follow-up - Check.
Control wheel - Hold aft of mid
travel. Trim wheel should run
nose down after approximately 3
seconds. Trim down annunciator
approximately 8 seconds.
Control wheel - Hold forward of
mid travel. Trim wheel should
run nose up after approximately 3
seconds, trim up annunciator
approximately 8 seconds, and AP
TRIM FAIL annunciator and
s h o u l d i l l u m i n a t e a f t er
approximately 15 seconds.
The elevator trim system must not be forced
beyond the limits which are indicated on the
elevator trim tab indicator.
(8) AP/YD & TRIM DISC Button -
Depress through second level.
Autopilot and yaw damper should
disengage and ELECT TRIM O F F
annunciator should illuminate. AP
ENG and YD ENG annunciators on
instrument panel should flash 5
(9) Elevator trim control switch - OFF,
then ON.
annunciator should extinguish).
(10) AP - Re-engage.
(11) Turn controller - Check that control
wheel follows in each applied
direction, then center.
8-14 Change 4