TM 55-1510-220-MTF
Pitot heat switches (2) -OFF.
Heated fuel vent switches (2) - OFF.
*g. Flaps - Check in full down and full up positions.
Battery switch - OFF.
Seat belts - Check for security, and proper connections.
Emergency equipment - Check that all required emergency equipment is available and that fire
extinguishers and first-aid kits have current inspection dates.
Parachutes - Check secure and for current inspection and repack dates.
*1. Check all interior and exterior placards and markings.
*m. Trim tab travel and direction - Check. Trim tabs shall be operated through the full range of' travel,
noting any excessive friction or binding. Tab direction and neutral position will be checked at the
control and the surface.
*n. Flight controls - Check operation and direction. Check movement of control surfaces for direction with
movement of cockpit controls. Check for any abnormal friction or obstructions through full range of